[Ncuc-eur] Fwd: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Reminder: [Travel Support Call] NCUC mentees for ICANN61 - Until 13dec

Louise Marie Hurel louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 19:30:29 CET 2017

The call closes on Wednesday!


Louise Marie Hurel

Cybersecurity Project Coordinator | Igarapé Institute

London School of Economics (LSE) Media and Communications (Data and Society)
Skype: louise.dias
+44 (0) 7468 906327
*l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk <l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk> *
louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com>
Date: 2017-12-11 18:15 GMT+00:00
Subject: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Reminder: [Travel Support Call] NCUC mentees for
ICANN61 - Until 13dec
To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 11:37 AM
Subject: [Travel Support Call] NCUC mentees for ICANN61
To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>

Hi everyone,

We have a different call for travel support this time.

While we are ascertaining the details of this course, we already need
to issue the call for NCUC supported travellers - our NCUC

This time we are proposing 3 mentees attend this event.

Traditionally NCUC has a budget for 2 attendees (1 mentor and 1
mentee) as you can see on our travel policy
(https://www.ncuc.org/get-involved/travel-policy/) .

This is an unique opportunity for 3 mentees to attend and be engaged in

Note that, a day before the meeting (9Mar) an experienced professional
in policy writing will train NCUC mentees in a course with practical
activities. This course will also be accompanied by at least one
previous webinar and may have a follow-up webinar after the meeting.

Youl'll have mentorship from our community members and from our Policy

The next meeting is in Puerto Rico - USA, and we ask you to be ready
to be mindful of visa requirements and prepare all your documentation
to attend.

We will also note that your arrival date should be before the
beginning of business day 9 March and your departure after the closing
of business day 15 March.

NCUC offers a budget of 2000 USD maximum per traveller. Funds will be
reimbursed to you upon conclusion of your trip and delivery of a
report (which may be published as a blog post) and relevant receipts.

Consider the following points in your statement.

1. Why do you want to attend the Annual General Meeting? Which Working
groups or policy discussions you have been involved with and would
like to be involved further. If you have not been involved in policy
discussions, which policy discussion(s) do you want to get involved

2. How much support do you need? Indicate airfare, hotel, visa
expenses (Remember that we want to support as many mentees as
possible, so the less you ask for the more likely you are to receive
funding - of course, it also depends on your motivation letter- and we
don't offer per diem.)

3. Make it clear that you will spend time and effort and work with a
Buddy/Mentor before, during and after the AGM and will stay engaged or
that you will volunteer to mentor NCUC mentees.

Please note that if you do not get engaged satisfactorily with NCUC
and ICANN policymaking, your fellowship might be revoked.

Names of successful applicants would be posted in [date to be announced]

Please send in your application to

raquino at gmail.com

maryam.bakoshi at icann.com

Until Dec 13th.

Applications will be analysed by our Executive Committee and
successful candidates will be announced 14 business days after this
call or as soon as EC concludes deliberation.

Thank you
Ncuc-discuss mailing list
Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org
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