[Ncuc-eur] Update from your NCUC Executive Coordinator

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 17:03:31 CEST 2016

Hi again and sorry for another email. Just a correction, we have indeed
approved a travel request from Gangesh Varma from India to attend Helsinki

On 7 June 2016 at 16:53, farzaneh badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all ,
> Here is another update from Brussels. EuroDIG is being held here. If you
> don't know what EuroDIG is, ask me or go to their website:
> http://www.eurodig.org/. I was funded to come here by EuroDIG Secretariat
> for doing some consultancy work during the meeting, mainly coordinating
> remote participation. We have tentatively scheduled an outreach (short
> announcement) with Tatiana Tropina and I which will take place on Thursday
> at the end of the sessions. Ayden has kindly shared a doodle for the NCUC
> and NCSG participants, here it is  http://doodle.com/poll/h7ssy95fya35wchn .
> If you are here, fill in the doodle, we can have coffee at a coffee break.
> Or attend our outreach announcement which will be very short on Thursday. I
> will announce that soon.
> We have submitted two workshop proposals to IGF to be considered. Due to
> time constraint  we could  not consult with the community but you are free
> to comment on them if they get accepted.
> Ayden also led a workshop at WSIS, which we supported his travel request.
> We are going to make an announcement for CROPP proposals for FY17, so stay
> tuned.
> To prepare for Helsiniki, we need to sign up for various themes of WS2 of
> accountability, if you are interested, the themes are in the google doc,
> you need to sign up for  the subject you are interested in  at:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Iw5yn9GRk8RcnTJzclwB-JuSe3B6JugEj_0oGOCseqU/edit?usp=sharing.
> If you are new, you need to also put in your email address.
> As most of you know, Helsinki meeting is a policy meeting. If you are
> interested in what policies you can engage with you should take part. The
> Sunday before the official meeting is accountability day , working on work
> stream two issues.
> We did not receive travel funding requests from Europe for Helsinki and no
> one received funding from NCUC to travel to Helsinki in the end.
> Let me know if you need more information.
> --
> Farzaneh

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