Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Tue Feb 25 14:54:43 CET 2025

Please see below and here is their Linkedin as well.

LinkedIn Profile
https://ng.linkedin.com/in/emmanuel-vitus [ng.linkedin.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ng.linkedin.com/in/emmanuel-vitus__;!!PtGJab4!_BzDaL_ltwSkBftsrLmxAp28gU88rDwa5JB4LezuNKmLjn4g2TkIidwJbGUIP9tFiEYsV12is5zX7XYyZjSWaPT5l0Wwo5ZTUf4i$>

Kind Regards,

From: Emmanuel Nnaemeka Vitus <vitusemmanuelnnaemeka at gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 15:59
To: Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Interested in the NCUC Media and Communication Working Team

Good day sir.

I am Emmanuel Nnaemeka Vitus, a seasoned and dynamic project manager with a distinguished track record of leading AI-focused initiatives, consistently delivering groundbreaking results in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and financial innovation.

Technical Skills in Relations to Media

Digital Marketing: Email Marketing, Facebook Ads Ranking, E-commerce Website Management, Keyword Research Tools, Google Analytics Tools, High Ranking on Google Search Engine, Baidu and Bing, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEMrush, Business Development Strategy, On-board Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Tactical in business planning, branding and strategy, Knowledge of search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing, Proficient with Video Editing Software’s like (Adobe Premier Pro, Corel Video Studio, Sony Vegas, Adobe After Effect).

I am very much interested in joining the media team of the NCUC if given the opportunity to serve. Since I join this community, I have been looking forward to working together with the executive council and entire community members in adding my quota to the development of the team.

Best regards,

Emmanuel N. Vitus

Founder, OrphanHub Innovative Foundation
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