[NCUC-EC] RrSG input/participation requested: NCUC Issue Forum

Johan Helsingius julf at Julf.com
Thu May 30 10:07:27 CEST 2024

Dear Ashley, Owen and Zoe,

My apologies - typing quickly at the airport I pushed send a bit too
soon. Here is a slightly better version of my message - my apologies!

I know this is very last minute, but I have been asked to help with
the NCUC Issue Forum on domain name registrants rights on Tuesday,
11 June 10:45-12:15 local time in Kigali. The forum will discuss
things like DNS abuse mitigation mechanisms, law enforcement requests
for urgent and confidential access to domain name registrants private
and personal data, some outdated policies that could encroach upon
domain name registrants privacy (known as Privacy and Proxy Services
Accreditation Issues (PPSAI)), intellectual property overreach and
potential human rights violations during in the implementation of RVCs.

Would it be possible for someone from RrSG to do a presentation on what
registrars are doing to protect the rights of registrants? I am aware
that the session slot overlaps with several interesting sessions, but
hopefully someone would be able to attend the NCUC forum as well.

With kind regards,

	Julf (in the role of NCSG Chair)

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