[NCUC-EC] issue Forum Status?

Ken Herman ken at kherman.com
Wed May 29 05:13:09 CEST 2024

Dear Benjamin, Thank you. 


As one of the participants, I remain available to provide additional input, beyond the input I already provided. However, since the theme seems to require participation by registrars, I ask, again, if you, in your capacity as Chair of the NCUC, will be reaching out to the RrSG requesting their participation. We can work out the details, but it would be good to know whom we can call upon. If you have some other approach, then please let us know.


Mili and Pedro, perhaps we can speak in the next day or so to work on those details.




From: Benjamin Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 5:12 PM
To: Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com>
Cc: Exec. Comm <ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org>
Subject: Re: issue Forum Status?


Dear Ken,

Thank you for your email. The NCUC Issue Forum and NCUC membership meeting require the input of NCUC  official representatives to the ICANN meeting. 


I have asked and requested topics and speakers; below is what I have so far; the process is open to those of us attending ICANN80 to organize


NCUC Issue forum 



NCUC membership meeting 





Additionally, contributions from you and Mili will go a long way in finalizing the events.



Kind regards,



On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 6:21 PM Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com <mailto:ken at kherman.com> > wrote:

Benjamin, I’m wondering where we are with the issue forum planning. Last I recall there were some ideas around registrant rights/security, and the need to reach out to the Registrar SG, but haven’t heard if anything has developed. 


Where do we stand, please?





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