[NCUC-EC] [Ext] Re: Agenda-ICANN80 NCUC Membership & Issue Forum

Pedro de Perdigão Lana pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com
Wed May 22 22:13:54 CEST 2024

I think this is a great option, Ken! To better align with the proposal (if
all other speakers come from registrars), I think I can reach out to Kathy
to see if there is someone from a registrar who is more knowledgeable of
intellectual property issues and has a perspective aligned with the one
from NCSG. If we end up inviting people who are not from the registrar
community, maybe we can speak about it ourselves.

*Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
Advogado - OAB/PR 90.600 <https://www.nic.br/>,  Pesquisador (GEDAI/UFPR
Doutorando em Direito (UFPR), Mestre em Direito Empresarial (UCoimbra),
Membro da Coordenação - CC Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>, ISOC BR
<https://isoc.org.br/> e IODA <https://ioda.org.br/>
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Em qua., 22 de mai. de 2024 às 16:26, Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com> escreveu:

> Thanks, Pedro. I was also hoping that we could agree on a plan given that
> we had kind of a framework.
> Based on some communications I have seen today we appear to be moving
> towards an event that features a series of remarks around the theme of
> “Registrants Rights”, and within that context we no doubt have a lot of
> flexibility.
> Personally, I think it would be interesting to hear from Registrars about
> how they approach various rights and responsibilities to protect
> registrants, whether it is regarding IP concerns or other matters, like
> dealing with RDRS requests, or securing registrants accounts or responding
> to issues regarding transfers. For me it’s about peering into the “black
> box’ of the registrars to better understand how they work, and also hearing
> their PoV on how registrants can do more to protect themselves.
> If we can agree on an approach like that, or any other, then we can move
> forward to identify the most appropriate speakers.
> Ken
> *From:* Pedro de Perdigão Lana <pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:14 AM
> *To:* Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>
> *Cc:* Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com>; Exec. Comm <ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Ext] Re: [NCUC-EC] Agenda-ICANN80 NCUC Membership & Issue
> Forum
> Hi everyone,
> I was waiting for a definition of the overall structure of the session, so
> we could see how to better insert our participation - our plan was to have
> a short presentation following the pattern of other speakers. As soon as we
> have some perspective on the subjects that will be addressed, I can come
> back to Kathy and see what specifically we could talk about that would be
> aligned with the content of other panelists.
> Overall, the idea would be to talk about the mechanisms that exist to
> solve conflicts between IP and domain names, but we still need to see if we
> are going to talk about policies that registrars adopt to cooperate with IP
> complaints, if we are focusing on registrar relations with ICANN mechanisms
> such as the TMCH or the UDRP, etc.
> Cordially,
> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
> Researcher
> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
> Board Member @ CC Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>, ISOC BR
> <https://isoc.org.br/> and IODA <https://ioda.org.br/>
> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received by
> mistake, please reply informing it.
> Em qua., 22 de mai. de 2024 às 10:27, Andrea Glandon <
> andrea.glandon at icann.org> escreveu:
> Hello all,
> A description for this session as soon as possible would be great as well
> so I can get the schedule updated.
> Kind Regards,
> Andrea
> *From: *NCUC-EC <ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> on behalf of Ken Herman <
> ken at kherman.com>
> *Date: *Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 08:18
> *To: *'Pedro de Perdigão Lana' <pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com>
> *Cc: *"'Exec. Comm'" <ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org>
> *Subject: *[Ext] Re: [NCUC-EC] Agenda-ICANN80 NCUC Membership & Issue
> Forum
> Hi Pedro.
> Mili and I are working on finalizing a programme for the issue forum, and
> wanted to check with you on how things are going with an IP component.
> I haven’t heard anything from Benjamin about connecting with the
> Registrars SG, but I can do that to see if we can muster some participation
> to speak about registrant security and protection, and I would really like
> to see if tere are any special issues that face registrants in the Africa
> region. Any thoughts you have would be most welcome.
> It’s a 90 minute session, so let’s coordinate.
> Ken
> *From:* Pedro de Perdigão Lana <pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2024 12:24 AM
> *To:* Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com>
> *Cc:* Benjamin Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com>; Exec. Comm <
> ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [NCUC-EC] Agenda-ICANN80 NCUC Membership & Issue Forum
> I like Ken's idea and the interesting ways we can build upon it - maybe a
> session centered on what has been done to protect registrants against
> external actors, through a few different perspectives? We could plan a
> session with one speaker who specializes in each one of these issues, and
> make it mostly about registrars' reactions.
> About the Intellectual Property overreach, me and Kathy (led by her, of
> course 🙂) could talk a bit on the issue, considering how Rights
> Protection Mechanisms are related to registrars, but also the tools that a
> few of them have implemented to respond to IP infringement notices.
> Cordially,
> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
> Advogado - OAB/PR 90.600 [nic.br]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nic.br/__;!!PtGJab4!6UkeVede1vWy8gKJmNCR9eUYKM90-Xz3tj2ik_et4W2E_3A4NpBmZ9qCQijHfozWo7tjGtqDM3YDKZclY-jY3g$>,
> Pesquisador (GEDAI/UFPR [gedai.com.br]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.gedai.com.br/__;!!PtGJab4!6UkeVede1vWy8gKJmNCR9eUYKM90-Xz3tj2ik_et4W2E_3A4NpBmZ9qCQijHfozWo7tjGtqDM3YDKZdMpjgHdQ$>
> )
> Doutorando em Direito (UFPR), Mestre em Direito Empresarial (UCoimbra),
> Membro da Coordenação - CC Brasil [br.creativecommons.net]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/br.creativecommons.net/__;!!PtGJab4!6UkeVede1vWy8gKJmNCR9eUYKM90-Xz3tj2ik_et4W2E_3A4NpBmZ9qCQijHfozWo7tjGtqDM3YDKZdQxE60Qw$>,
> ISOC BR [isoc.org.br]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/isoc.org.br/__;!!PtGJab4!6UkeVede1vWy8gKJmNCR9eUYKM90-Xz3tj2ik_et4W2E_3A4NpBmZ9qCQijHfozWo7tjGtqDM3YDKZcG0-qVBw$>
> e IODA [ioda.org.br]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ioda.org.br/__;!!PtGJab4!6UkeVede1vWy8gKJmNCR9eUYKM90-Xz3tj2ik_et4W2E_3A4NpBmZ9qCQijHfozWo7tjGtqDM3YDKZedmXj4Mw$>
> Essa mensagem é restrita ao remetente e destinatário(s). Se recebida por
> engano, favor responder informando o erro.
> Em ter., 14 de mai. de 2024 às 18:47, Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com>
> escreveu:
> Thanks for listing some ideas.
> It occurs to me that some of these issues – DNS Abuse, Law Enforcement and
> RDRS, et al – come down to how the registrars react. Perhaps the reps from
> the Registrar community can be invited to speak about some of the
> mechanisms they use to protect confidentiality and limit abuse, and
> specifically what domain registrants can do to minimize their exposure to
> risk.
> Ken
> *From:* NCUC-EC <ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> *On Behalf Of *Benjamin
> Akinmoyeje
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 14, 2024 3:13 PM
> *To:* Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>
> *Cc:* Exec. Comm <ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [NCUC-EC] Agenda-ICANN80 NCUC Membership & Issue Forum
> Dear NCUC leaders,
> Here is a suggestion as I promised yesterday - one suggestion we have so
> far is this
> DNS abuse mitigation mechanisms... Law enforcement urgent and confidential
> requests... PPSAI... Intellectual property overreach. Transfer issues that
> can affect access to domains
> Kind regards,
> Benjamin
> On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 7:16 PM Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> It’s time to start working on ICANN80 agendas. Please find below links for
> each NCUC session. The schedule will be available on Monday, 20 May 2024.
> NCUC Membership Session [docs.google.com]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1qdHd3_NQJK5FR-spDQF3zOexHbeHHE0wJJtnlZYPZ-Q/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!6UkeVede1vWy8gKJmNCR9eUYKM90-Xz3tj2ik_et4W2E_3A4NpBmZ9qCQijHfozWo7tjGtqDM3YDKZcDQGw77Q$>
> NCUC Issue Forum [docs.google.com]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1gQA5Jv7zLkMSJx1-oDAxBXfuqx_cs9t4-7KrnArilPA/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!6UkeVede1vWy8gKJmNCR9eUYKM90-Xz3tj2ik_et4W2E_3A4NpBmZ9qCQijHfozWo7tjGtqDM3YDKZcaLCGNmA$>
> Thanks!
> *Andrea Glandon*
> Policy Operations Coordinator
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> *Skype ID:*  acglandon76
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