Mili Semlani milisemlani at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 04:37:29 CET 2023

Hi Jia Rong,
  Hope you reached SG safely and are well. I wanted to follow up on the
NCUC x GSE outreach discussion from ICANN76 and think of the next steps of

Some top of the mind ideas I have:
1. NCUC is hosting an ICANN76 readout for our members on Friday march 24,
13 UTC. If there is an APAC or any APAC country specific readout happening,
I will be happy to participate and represent NCUC views.

2. I did fill in the recent poll for APAC Space, meanwhile if there is a
virtual one in the pipeline before ICANN77, NCUC would love to have a small
slot and I can help bring in any of our APAC councilliors//policy committee
members to chime in on any topical discussions.

3. APIGA is happening soon and we would love to chat with youth fellows and
why NCUC will be good fit for them in the ICANN ecosystem, and I am willing
to mentor and coach to any APIGA fellows who maybe interested.

AOB: Other than these, if there are engagements in the region the GSE team
is planning, I would love to know and discuss how NCUC can participate or
leverage the events to expand our membership.

What would you suggest as best next steps? Looking forward to your response
and working together on strengthening the APAC representation in the ICANN

With gratitude
*Mili Semlani*
Community specialist
Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/theuntraveller/> | LinkedIn
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