[NCUC-EC] NCUC FY21 ABR - History of civil society at ICANN (YOUR INPUT NEEDED!)

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Tue Feb 9 17:41:14 CET 2021

Thanks for clarifying, Raphael. 

So far, there are five videos in the list that you compiled (I put numeration for easier reference). So each of the EC members can take one and we are done. I've already signed up under an interview with Rafik.


9 февраля 2021, 16:21:26, от "Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix" <rbeauregardlacroix at gmail.com>:

Hi all, 
These are indeed mostly youtube videos; the point is to watch all of them and write down in that google doc (lets say under each of the links) any relevant information about NCUC history that you will hear. Some of them will obviously be longer/more dense than others, and some have potentially no interesting information, but they need to be watched in their entirety, in case there might be interesting elements. 

Please also indicate with a comment in the document which ones you want to call dibs on so that we are not duplicating efforts. 

Thank you, 

On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 5:52 PM Olga Kyryliuk <olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net> wrote:
Hi Raphael,

Thanks for sharing the google doc, well received. Can you please specify what exactly we are supposed to do with the listed resources when signing up? Is it only related to videos from which we need to take relevant info and put it in written format? Or what is the task?

I'm sorry for double-checking, but I'm a bit confused with what to do.


8 февраля 2021, 18:20:08, от "Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix" <rbeauregardlacroix at gmail.com>:

Dear all, 
Please find below the working document, with all the sources I could find which may contain information on NCUC's history.


Please indicate in comments or otherwise which one of those you want to deal with. I would ask you then to provide a write up of everything you will find in those which would be relevant for our purpose. Please do so by 15 February. Thanks! Some of the videos may not contain any relevant information, but please watch them entirely nonetheless. I will then take care of putting all of this together as a single write up. 

I will be reaching out to ALAC and NPOC to see if they can provide us with written materials pertaining to their history. I will be in touch with you as I receive further information in that regard. 

Have a nice day, 
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