[NCUC-EC] Last pending details for icann66

Mili milisemlani at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 05:29:07 CET 2019

Thanks for sharing Bruna. Apologies for missing the meeting. 

 I can help you with the joint session outreach. Have attended it a couple of times and have understand it from a new comer perspective to anticipate questions etc. 

With gratitude 
Mili Semlani

On 29-Oct-2019, at 07:39, Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear EC, 

As mentioned during our call last week, @franco giandana and I worked on a blog post highlighting some of our meetings while in Montreal. The text can be found here and I would like for you to review it so we can post on NCUC Blog: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QfBp57o29bpjlkpP2Dgde1wgTQviiLJNtyimdRLqi8w/edit?usp=sharing 
- document will be receiving comments until wednesday12h00 utc. 

Also, can anyone help me with the NCUC and at-large outreach ? I need some additional help in sending invitations for speakers, there isnt really anyone from ncuc helping me out with this and I would appreciate the help !

Bruna Martins dos Santos 

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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