[NCUC-EC] NCUC Executive Committee Meeting - 06/06 - notes

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 20:15:22 CEST 2019

Dear EC,

Thanks for attending this call. Below you might find some of the notes
taken from our discussions.

*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos


EC Meeting - 06/06/2019


[Elections timeline]

- NCUC just concluded the review of the elections Ballot and the Meet the
Candidates call.

[Appointees to the Policy Committee]

We had an open call but not enough candidates for the two openings.

Suggestion from the EC: Open the call for the Policy Committee after the
Elections and check if the one candidate who applied is still interested.

- [Strategic Outreach Plan for CROP FY20]

EC members were asked to start a dialogue with their regional VPs on
meetings sponsored by ICANN and also interesting places for cooperation.



   To have more conversations about deadlines to events and crop
   allocation, as well as more information around.

   Conversation with GSE might give us a better perspective of the events;

- [Prep ICANN 65]

- Outreach

          - EC Meeting: Agenda


   NCUC EC transition

      invite newly elected members of the EC;

   Finance Committee

   Policy Committee

   NomCom delegate

      Invite Anriette to finalize her transition and gather more
      information about the position and how NCUC could contribute to the
      Committee work;

      NomCom review ?

      NomCom representative

- Coordinate activities of the crop receivers - Akinremi and Benjamin

Crop travellers will be required to write two reports each about the HIT/CC
sessions of their preference and send it to the mailing list.

They should also be asked to contribute a little bit with NCUC twitter

- [Upcoming activities]

          - CEO agenda (June 12)

Talking Points ?

Evolution of the MS model - take suggestions from Tanya

Engagement of NCUC members

- [Capacity Building]

           - A comment on NCSG/NCUC engagement Survey

Schedule a call on this survey, to present the results and open the

Spark the conversation in marrakech or at the earliest convenience

           - Updates on the Policy Writing course - Call on June 17 open
for all members.

    - [NomCom]

Open call for new NCUC Delegate to the Nominating Committe by the 17th of
June, closing on the 1st of July.

Inform Staff about new delegate 4th of July
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