[NCUC-EC] CROP ICANN65 - Deliberation due april 27th

hfaiedh ines hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 22:48:18 CEST 2019

Hi Bruna

Thank you for your email. Could you please check we have all applications
here? I think one application that you shared on another thread, isn't on
this one.

All applications considered, I would like to give a chance to Adam. He has
been very active and following calls in general and Ncuc Africa in
particular. Also, I feel that he needs some mentoring to become more
involved in policy-making processes.
And overall, we received great applications and they all deserve to attend
the next meeting.

Le vendredi 26 avril 2019, Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Dear EC,
> Anyone else ? We promised the results on the list on the 23rd, and I
> really wish we could announce this tomorrow night.
> ps. thanks, Mike, for the vote!
> Le jeu. 25 avr. 2019 à 13:52, Michael Karanicolas <mkaranicolas at gmail.com>
> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Apologies for the delay. My vote is for Akinremi Peter Taiwo. It was
>> between him and Pascal, as they seemed the most active on ICANN policy
>> work, and going through my email history, Peter seems a bit more active in
>> terms of the substantive debates.
>> Best,
>> Michael
>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 11:33 AM Bruna Martins dos Santos <
>> bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Is anyone voting ?
>>> best,
>>> Bruna
>>> Le mer. 24 avr. 2019 à 00:30, Bruna Martins dos Santos <
>>> bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>> Dear EC,
>>>> Once closed our candidatures period, we are now to deliberate on who is
>>>> receiving the crop slot for ICANN65. In the end we received 6 applications,
>>>> that I now submit to your deliberation.
>>>> Considering that we are a few days late (this should have been
>>>> announced on the 23rd) due to me being a little busy with work, Im setting
>>>> a new deadline for the 27th of april (but if we could decide before that it
>>>> would be great).
>>>> Therefore, here goes the candidates and their applications.
>>>> And apologies for the v. long email. In case you want to make comments,
>>>> I also assembled these applications on a google docs
>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/19gQJ_NnAwWGjP0W8VYC2pFhGkoH04vq1SmQaZFV_Uok/edit#>
>>>> .
>>>> Best,
>>>> --
>>>> *Bruna Martins dos Santos *
>>>> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
>>>> @boomartins
>>>> __________________________
>>>> *ICANN 65 - CROP CALL *
>>>> Applicants:
>>>> 1. Khouzeifi Issakha;
>>>> 2. Adam Ahmat Doungous
>>>> 3. Pascal Bekono
>>>> 4. Akinremi Peter Taiwo
>>>> 5. Joan Katambi
>>>> 5. Benjamin Akinmoyeje
>>>> 6. Yazid AKANHO
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> 1. Khouzeifi Issakha;
>>>> Statement to candidate for NCUC CROP sponsored traveler for ICANN65 to
>>>> be held in
>>>> Marrakech, 24-27 June 2019
>>>> My name is KHOUZEIFI Issakha Doud-bane, born on 29th September, 1992 in
>>>> Chad. Young man of 26 years old, I completed my master degree in new
>>>> economy and sustainable development in April 2018, in France.
>>>> In my responsibility of President of MAG Youth IGF Chad, I have been
>>>> working on New Technologies for Information and Communication (NTIC) to
>>>> promote the achievement of sustainable development in Chad. Beside to that,
>>>> we work to fight cyber security and criminality.
>>>> Because in Africa and especially in Chad, many people particularly
>>>> young people are victims on this phenomena and crime.
>>>> I am also an active member of the following institutions: Internet
>>>> Society of Chad (ISOC Chapter Chad), Internet Engineering Touch Force
>>>> (IETF), Internet Governance Forum of Chad/Africa (IGF Chad/Africa), A
>>>> (ACIS), ICANN Francophone ...
>>>> I attended many forums onsite and online respectively IGF Paris 12-14th
>>>> November 2019, ICANN60, 61... and this time, I am motived and decide to
>>>> attend onsite this coming ICANN65 to be held in Marrakech, 24-27 June 2019.
>>>> It is a pleasure to attend such an even where many people coming from
>>>> all around the world take place. It is an opportunity to meet NCUC member,
>>>> all ICANN staff is possible...
>>>> Member of NCUC for almost two years, I am really interested to be
>>>> involved further within NCUC and NCSG. E-platforms and Task Force on NCUC
>>>> Procedural Rules are important programs but I would prefer NCUC Buddy Pilot
>>>> Program to be involved in. As far as one can see, people are motived to be
>>>> involved, to be part of working groups but there is always lack of
>>>> orientation vise a vise newcomers. Therefore, I would like to learn more
>>>> about ICANN, NCUC, and NCSG... to become a buddy to guide and orient
>>>> newcomers to contribute, especially young newcomers 18-30 years old. I
>>>> promise to be an active member of any ad hoc working team to contribute to
>>>> achieve the goals. I would like to review that program which is initiated
>>>> to let
>>>> young people get involved and share their ideas and learn within ICANN
>>>> and NCUC.
>>>> Current reservation:
>>>> Lyon-Casablanca- Marrakech, 22nd -23rd June 2019.
>>>> Marrakech-Casablanca-Lyon, 28th -29th June 2019.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> KHOUZEIFI Issakha Doud-bane
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> 2. Adam Ahmat Doungous
>>>> Adam Ahmat Doungous from Chad, Program coordinator at NIRVANA for the
>>>> promotion
>>>> of youth and African women «PROFEJA». Since August 2017 Interim
>>>> Coordinator of the NGO
>>>> Citizen Action for Information and Education for Sustainable
>>>> Development (ACIEDD);
>>>> Since 12th Nov 2016, Coordinator Youth Internet Governance of Chad
>>>> (Youth IGF-Chad)
>>>> Member of NCUC (Non-commercial Users Constituency)
>>>> Member of NCSG (Non-commercial Stakeholders Group)
>>>> Member of NPOC (Not-for-profit Operational Concerns Constituency)
>>>> Since 2016 member of AFRALO ALS/AT-Large/ICAAN Chad (Internet
>>>> Corporation For Assigned Names
>>>> and Numbers).
>>>> Member Bestbits.
>>>> Adam.ahmat08 at gmail.com
>>>> Contact: 0023566431562
>>>> Depart Ndjamena-Marrakech 23 June and
>>>> Return 28 June Marrakech- Ndjamena
>>>> 1- Why do you want to attend the meeting? Which working groups or
>>>> policy discussions you have been involved with and would like to be
>>>> involved further. If you have not been involved in policy discussions,
>>>> which policy discussion(s) will get involved with? (please provide links to
>>>> your mailing list contributions and you record of attendance in WG meetings)
>>>> It is very important for me to learn more about NCUC, how can I
>>>> contribute to the policy Development example WHOIS, GDPR, IGO-NGO, RDS .
>>>> Participating in ICANN65 will give me an opportunity for more engagement
>>>> and Impact for border engagement in Africa inside of users’ protection and
>>>> promotion of DNS. As I am new in policy, development so by participating in
>>>> this meeting will give me a new window to represent NCUC. I’m more active
>>>> in twitter regarding NCUC.
>>>> 2- How much time effort and work will you spend studying policy topics
>>>> before, during and after the meeting? And will you stay engaged or
>>>> volunteer to mentor future NCSG members? if you been a part of NCUC Buddy
>>>> pilot program or plan to participate in this or other training programs
>>>> within the NCUC OR NCSG please mention.
>>>> I have a clear strategy for being more active by learning new tool that
>>>> give me a clear idea for more implication. As ICANN 65 is organised in an
>>>> arabic and french speaking country , I will be volunteer in stand to
>>>> explain the importance of ICANN to participants and civil societies
>>>> organisations.
>>>> I would like to ensure that the voice of non-commercial user is heard
>>>> at ICANN and I would like to organize local workshop for NCUC member in
>>>> Chad for sharing experience also I will continue to mentor any new member
>>>> to go inside NCUC.
>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>> 3. Pascal Bekono
>>>> Name:  Pascal Bekono
>>>> Region of residence:  Cameroon, Africa
>>>> Gender:  Male
>>>> Organisation:  NCUC/NCSG
>>>> Conflicts of Interest:  none that I am aware of
>>>> Travel Itinerary: 1726 $ US
>>>> Date June 21st:
>>>> Departure: Yaounde (NSI) Cameroon -> Marrakech (Morocco)
>>>> Date June 28
>>>> Departure: Marrakech (Morocco) – Arrival Yaounde (Cameroon)
>>>> -          Accommodation: 480 $ (6 night x 80 $ US)*
>>>> -          Flight : 1166 US$**
>>>> -          Visa and others: 80$
>>>> Reasons for willingness to participate as NCUC member to ICANN65:
>>>> ICANN meetings are wonderful experience where participants within their
>>>> scope can impact. Since my first ICANN meeting as fellow, I had the
>>>> opportunity to learn and better understand threats and challenges. From
>>>> membership and participation in different monthly e-meetings through
>>>> working groups alongside with talented persons from different regions, I am
>>>> more aware of ICANN issues and activities. All this has enabled me to be
>>>> awarded several fellowships.
>>>> I will be proud to be more engaged on NCUC, NCSG activities during
>>>> ICANN65 in Marrakech.
>>>> Activities in Marrakech
>>>> -            The regional NCUC call which took place last week has pave
>>>> the way for NCUC’s activities that we will be organized before and during
>>>> Marrakech meeting. In that way, a meeting gathering NCUC and ICANN Africa
>>>> is planned. A committee will work on it.
>>>> -            I commit to participate to pre ICANN meeting, particularly
>>>> during NCUC Outreach activities on site. And participate in all NCUC
>>>> meetings during ICANN65.
>>>> -            Ready to act as mentor for newcomers
>>>> -            Participation to New gtld  WT5 working group meeting;
>>>> -            Participation to the AfrICANN dialogue
>>>> Qualifications for the travel opportunity:
>>>> I am a holder of a Master in Computer Sciences and Masters in
>>>> Telecommunications. President of the African Coalition for Advocacy, an
>>>> NGO. I am an ICANN fellow and holder of several Certificates on Internet
>>>> Governance and ICT Policies from DiploFoundation, ISOC,etc. I have
>>>> successfully participate to the European Summer School on Internet
>>>> Governance. I have been awarded many fellowships: Carnegie Mellon
>>>> University, Commonwealth IGF, etc.
>>>> Experience in ICANN
>>>> -          Mentor/coach during ICANN Singapore, ICANN Helsinki, ICANN
>>>> Johonnesburg;
>>>> -          Participation to online meetings
>>>> -          Member of NCUC, NCSG, Alac
>>>> -          Members/participants of different Working Groups where I
>>>> learned a lot ( Newgtld WT5, WT4, GNSO review, Alac Outreach and Engagement)
>>>> -          Contribution to the ICANN Africa strategy plan
>>>> -          Etc.
>>>> Additional
>>>> As member of the ICANN African Community, and member of different
>>>> groups, attending the ICANN65 in Marrakech will be an opportunity for me to
>>>> join the regional stakeholders in shaping strategies and most importantly,
>>>> to debate and contribute physically in the developpement of ICANN policies.
>>>> I am willing to attend all NCSG meetings and activities during ICANN65,
>>>> and produce a report one week after the meeting.
>>>> Some recent calls:
>>>> -          Monthly NCSG Policy Call on Tuesday 16 April 2019 at 1200
>>>> UTC.
>>>> -          NCUC Africa Regional call on Friday 12 April 2018 at 1600
>>>> UTC
>>>> -          NCSG/NCUC/NPOC Capacity Building Webinar 1 - Session 1 of 20
>>>> September 2018, AC recording: https://participate.icann.org/
>>>> p51ue23s2ol/
>>>> -          NCSG Elections "Meet the Candidate" Call on Tuesday 07
>>>> August 2018 at 1200 UTC
>>>> -          Etc.
>>>> I agree to abide by the NCUC funding rules.
>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>> 4. Akinremi Peter Taiwo
>>>> Dear Bruna,
>>>> I would be pleased to be considered for a travel fellowship to attend
>>>> ICANN65 to be held in Marrakech, 24-27 June 2019.
>>>> I seek to participate in this ICANN policy meeting to join the NCUC
>>>> reps to advocate for the positioning and interest of the Noncommercial User
>>>> Constituency during the policy discussions. It would also be a meeting to
>>>> better interact to know more about the values of NCUC in the ICANN
>>>> environment and to explain the NCUC values to stakeholders that grace the
>>>> meeting. During this meeting,
>>>> I plan to attend the ICANN PDP related session especially that of ePDP
>>>> activities, NCUC, NCSG and ATLARGE sessions. Also, I look forward to attend
>>>> session on gTLD, RDS, Internet governance, WHOIS, Domain name, Right
>>>> protection mechanism (privacy) and open data as related to ICANN
>>>> environment.
>>>> As an active member of the NCUC and NCSG, have been a regular attendee
>>>> of the monthly calls, benefited from policy training, hold pen as well as
>>>> co-drafter public comments while actively engaging on the mailing lists e.g ICANN
>>>> Africa Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Version 3.0
>>>> <https://www.icann.org/public-comments/africa-strategic-plan-2018-07-30-en>,
>>>> Initial Report on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development
>>>> Process (Overarching Issues & Work Tracks 1-4)
>>>> <https://www.icann.org/public-comments/gtld-subsequent-procedures-initial-2018-07-03-en>,
>>>> SSAC2 Review: Assessment Report Published for Community Input
>>>> <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2018-06-21-en>, Open Data
>>>> Initiative Datasets and Metadata
>>>> <https://www.icann.org/public-comments/odi-datasets-metadata-2018-06-11-en>,
>>>> Draft Final Report of the RSSAC2 Review
>>>> <https://www.icann.org/public-comments/rssac2-review-final-2018-05-01-en>
>>>> Yes. I would be available to volunteer and be a mentor to future NCSG
>>>> and NCUC fellows to participate more in policy discussions and be ready to
>>>> engage in the activities of NCUC and NCSG
>>>> Regards.
>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>> 4. Joan Katambi
>>>> Dear Sir/ Madam,
>>>> I hereby submit my application to be considered for the NCUC CROP
>>>> funding to attend ICANN65 in Marrakech. I have joined NCUC in 2018 after my
>>>> ICANN61 fellowship in Puerto Rico. Since then I have had ICANN and NCUC
>>>> outreach activities in my institution and other communities. I have also
>>>> been following and attending the online meeting discussions to understand
>>>> the rules of procedures as regards to the Interpretation for Human Rights
>>>> with regards to the internet. I also participated in last year’s election
>>>> process of NCUC.
>>>> I have also been following Internet Governance related meetings and
>>>> participated as a panelist in the Uganda Internet Governance Forum in 2018
>>>> sharing experiences as a fellow discussing issues related to who controls
>>>> and governs the internet, what is the role of Governments, Academia, Civil
>>>> society, Technical community as regards to the Multistakeholderism in the
>>>> Internet Governance.
>>>> During the ICANN64 in Kobe I had chance to meet with the Vice President
>>>> Africa Engagement office one of the issues discussed were; how can we
>>>> Improve regional participation within ICANN and the region, I want to take
>>>> the lead to champion this through Capacity Building programs to create more
>>>> awareness in particular promoting our work and what we do as NCUC under the
>>>> GNSO. I believe I can be very useful in outreach and capacity building
>>>> initiatives, as an Assistant Lecturer at the Uganda Institute of
>>>> Information and Communications Technology I have already started to do,
>>>> since it is part of my everyday job and it is also something I've been
>>>> doing for some time now in several communities.
>>>> Furthermore, As a new comer I want to attend this meeting in order to
>>>> understand how Polices are discussed in detail for example how to identify
>>>> an issue, the scope of the issue and when do you initiate the Policy
>>>> Development process for the issue. I also ask to be assigned a mentor in
>>>> order to understand the Policy topics and learn more. Am interested in
>>>> being part of the following groups; GNSO Review Working Group, Review of
>>>> all Rights Protection Mechanisms in all gTLDs, New gTLD subsequent
>>>> procedures PDP and GNSO Bylaws implementation drafting Team.
>>>> I plan to volunteer in mentoring the future new comers, join NCUC Buddy
>>>> Pilot program and take on more training programs within the NCUC or NCSG.
>>>> I am also interested in working with NCUC members to prepare content
>>>> that could be made available through the ICANN Learn platform about the
>>>> NCUC constituency in particular, so they could serve as a tool for fellow
>>>> members willing to raise awareness and bring in new community members.
>>>> I have read and understood the NCUC travel policy and promise to abide
>>>> by the rules and regulations. Attached is my CV for information.
>>>> Name: Katambi Joan
>>>> Departure From Entebbe Uganda: 23 / June/2019
>>>> Arrival Back At Entebbe Uganda: 28 /June/2019
>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>> 5. Benjamin Akinmoyeje
>>>> Dear Chair,
>>>> I am writing to apply for travel sponsorship to attend the ICANN 65
>>>> Marakech meeting on the 24th-27,June 2019.
>>>> My name is Benjamin Akinmoyeje, a member of NCUC, I hope my application
>>>> is considered in order for me to participate in ICANN 65 meeting.
>>>> I hope to depart  Windhoek, Namibia to arrive Marrakech, Morocco on the
>>>> 22nd June 2019 and leave Marrakech on the 28th June 2019, to arrive
>>>> Windhoek.Namibia.
>>>> My major interest in attending the Marrakech meeting is to participate
>>>> in the policy development process, as it is going to be Policy Forum.
>>>> One of my main reason to engage actively in the EPDP Phase 2 .
>>>> I have been following the development around The Unified Access Model,
>>>> for the new proposed WHOIS access for authenticated users with legitimate
>>>> interests. I also hope to engage in the new gTLD  Auction Proceeds Cross -
>>>> Community Working Group activities at this meeting.
>>>> My interest is also around the NCUC  outreach event, as this ICANN is
>>>> happening in Africa , region - it will be a strategic opportunity to
>>>> recruit vibrant  NCUC Outreach event. Participate in New Buddy program, get
>>>> to see face to face with some of my mentees and also help NCUC to recruit
>>>> valuable members as a NCUC membership engagement Team. I also hope to
>>>> engage my NPOC PC member to engage in drafting some of our comments to the
>>>> call for public comments.
>>>> NCSG
>>>> As it is an ICANN meeting holding in Africa it is another opportunity
>>>> to engage actively with the ICANN Africa strategic plan I also look forward
>>>> to advocating for the Africa ICANN engagement getting empowered for more
>>>> activities in the African region.
>>>> In additional to the listed engagement above, I hope to join the
>>>> following working group.
>>>> In the long term, I hope to work with other stakeholders in my
>>>> university and Windhoek Internet Governance Space, to setup DNS Aware
>>>> workshop, Cybersecurity especially DNSSEC and IPv6 Awareness and capacity
>>>> building  events to Namibia University of Science and Technology students.
>>>> I also hope to create awareness about NCUC as end users constituents of the
>>>> Multi-stakeholder approach in the decision around Internet governance.
>>>> I have also built my capacity in by taken almost all the courses
>>>> available on ICANN learn, while taking time to read up the post ICANN 64
>>>> report. I hope to continue learning and developing my capacity by following
>>>> the routine calls and engage regularly with members of the ICANN community.
>>>> My short term plan is also going to include the posting of a blog on NCUC
>>>> and my personal blog that will include sharing the story with a wider
>>>> audience. I will be interested in participating in participating in any
>>>> Policy Development process capacity building session.
>>>> Ultimately, I hope  engage the ICANN Africa Region Engagement Team.
>>>> I hope my application is given a positive consideration.
>>>> Yours sincerely,
>>>> Benjamin
>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>> 6. Yazid AKANHO
>>>> Dear Chair,
>>>> I would like to apply for this new travel support opportunity to attend
>>>> ICANN 65 meeting in
>>>> Marrakech - Morocco.
>>>> In fact, attending an ICANN meeting is a fantastic opportunity.
>>>> Firstly, there is no better place than ICANN meeting to discuss key topics
>>>> and issues related to Internet security, safety, stability and resilience.
>>>> For me, it is just the best place because of the diversity of the
>>>> participants: various Supporting Organizations, Stakeholder Groups, Working
>>>> Groups, Advisory Committees, private sector, governments as well as civil
>>>> society, all coming from around the world.
>>>> I can imagine how interesting it is to interact with such kind of great
>>>> people. On the other hand, attending the event physically helps to better
>>>> engage in the meetings and 100% dedicate to the sessions. Unfortunately,
>>>> this is hard to achieve when you are remotely following the sessions via
>>>> the Adobe connect tool. I followed ICANN58, 59, 62, 63 and 64 remotely and
>>>> I can testify how hard it is to be fully dedicated: time zone constraints,
>>>> unstable Internet connectivity, agenda conflicts, …
>>>> As an active member of IGB at NET association and Internet Society Benin
>>>> Chapter, two major associations promoting ICT and Internet development in
>>>> Benin, I am highly engaged in various activities which aim to reduce the
>>>> digital divide and improve the local engagement on Internet governance and
>>>> development. Since 3 years, I am a key actor in the organization committee
>>>> of Benin DNS Forum, an annual one week series of events related to the
>>>> security, stability and resilience of Internet and its critical resources
>>>> like DNS, DNSSEC, DANE, IP... We also explain the community who runs the
>>>> Internet, why it is important to contribute and how to do so. I am also
>>>> Vice-President of Internet Society Benin Chapter, we mainly work to
>>>> maintain the Internet secured and available to all.
>>>> To achieve this, we work with the government, ISPs, Regulator and civil
>>>> society.
>>>> I joined ICANN community as NCUC member in May 2017. I contributed to
>>>> various work by actively participating to draft NCSG public comments,
>>>> translating the NCUC Onboarding Program course into French with two NCUC
>>>> members, participated to the Buddy Pilot Program, regularly voted for our
>>>> Constituency leadership positions and used to participate to NCSG and NCUC
>>>> members calls as much as I can. Last but not the least, I also contribute
>>>> to the NCSG technical team. Below are few URLs for your reference.
>>>> ICANN 65 is a policy meeting and as an NCUC member willing to be more
>>>> involved in Policy
>>>> Development Process, I am convinced that attending this meeting will
>>>> help me jump into new or ongoing matters like EPDP and Geographic names. I
>>>> will be available to attend all NCUC meetings and any other that could have
>>>> a positive impact on our community. I will volunteer for any NCUC task
>>>> prior to and during the 4 days event. I will also provide an attendance
>>>> report. I will stay engaged and work closely with any assigned mentor to
>>>> continue growing in NCUC. I am available and willing to serve as rapporteur
>>>> for few workshops and will share lessons learned with other NCUC members.
>>>> The total budget i am submitting is estimated 2050 $ US as detailed in
>>>> the below table. I gently request a support of 1550 $ US or more if
>>>> possible. I will take care of the difference and any other expense like
>>>> transportation, meals and insurance.
>>>> N°--->  ITEM --->  Cost ($)
>>>> 1 - → Airfare ticket Cotonou – Marrakech – Cotonou ---> 1 250
>>>> 2 --->  Hotel: 150 $ US times 5 nights (arrival on 23 June, departure
>>>> on 28 June) ---> 750
>>>> 3 --->  Visa ---> 50
>>>> TOTAL =  2 050
>>>> Few Links related to my participation and contribution.
>>>> 1. My GNSO SOI: https://go.icann.org/2U1lRv8
>>>> 2. Recognition received during NCUC Members Session at ICANN 62 Panama
>>>> : transcript
>>>> available at https://go.icann.org/2WeQquF
>>>> 3. Participation to NCUC Africa Webinar 18 June 2018:
>>>> https://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/
>>>> acchat_ncucaf_180618.pdf
>>>> 4. Participation to Webinar 070818:
>>>> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/NCSG+
>>>> Webinars?preview=%2F5141
>>>> 4446%2F90771643%2Fatendance_ncsgwebinarsubpro_070818.pdf
>>>> 5. Participation to NCUC members call 02 august 2018:
>>>> https://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/
>>>> acchat_ncucmc_020818.pdf
>>>> 6. Participation to NCUC members call 16 august 2018:
>>>> https://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/
>>>> acchat_ncucmc_160718.pdf
>>>> 7. Participation to NCUC LAC Members meeting on Friday 29 Sept. 2017:
>>>> https://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/
>>>> acchat_ncuclac_290917.pdf
>>> --
>>> *Bruna Martins dos Santos *
>>> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
>>> @boomartins
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> NCUC-EC mailing list
>>> NCUC-EC at lists.ncuc.org
>>> https://lists.ncuc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ncuc-ec
> --
> *Bruna Martins dos Santos *
> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
> @boomartins
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