[NCUC-EC] [NCUC-DISCUSS] David and his many positions at NCUC/NCSG/NPOC

Ayden Férdeline icann at ferdeline.com
Wed Oct 10 12:59:44 CEST 2018

Thanks for your email, Ron.

This is not campaign talk, and I am not saying that David should not accept the seat now that he has been elected.

However, now that he is elected, I am asking if David will be resigning from his NPOC leadership roles to represent the NCUC ‘full-time’?

The answer can be ’no’, but if that is the case, I would like a commitment from David that he will not use the NCUC’s precious and limited resources to travel to ICANN meetings during his NCUC term.

As an NCUC member I believe our resources should be used to support only the activities of the NCUC. As David has many affiliations, there are other avenues he can explore.

For me, this has nothing to do with the bylaws. It's a question of integrity, fairness, and ethics.

Best wishes,


> On 10 Oct 2018, at 06:42, Ron Wickersham <rjw at ITSMYINTERNET.ORG> wrote:
> Now that the electcion results are in, the campaign is over.
> Ayden and farzaneh, you both spoke passionately about your position on
> the David Cake nomination and standing for election.
> Both of you (and a few others) spoke passionately about your concerns
> and displeasure with the situation.    This is ok during a campaign
> as candidates and their supporters and distractors speak to persuade
> the voters.
> but the voters have now spoken.
> is it disrespectful of the membership and their voting decision to
> continue this "campaign" against one of our duly elected members.
> please, both of you consider acceptiting the wisdom of the voters
> and work to bring harmony now to the elected parties who assume their
> new positions.
> respectfully,
> -ron
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