[NCUC-EC] URGENT: NCUC Travel Support to IGF Paris - Applications FOR CONSIDERATION

hfaiedh ines hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 13:49:53 CET 2018

sounds great thanks

Le dimanche 4 novembre 2018, Michael Karanicolas <mkaranicolas at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Sounds good to me.
> On Sun, Nov 4, 2018 at 7:23 AM Bruna Martins dos Santos <
> bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Thank you so much for casting in your votes.
>> The most voted members were Olga (4 votes), Lia (3 votes) and Hanen (2
>> votes).
>> I will follow up with Olga and Lia at first to check if their expenses
>> are within our budget and then Hanen, ok ?
>> best,
>> B
>> Em sáb, 3 de nov de 2018 às 23:01, hfaiedh ines <hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com>
>> escreveu:
>>> Hi everyone am happy to see great applications and I tend to want to
>>> support three applicants since we are lucky that they are within the budget
>>> we have so my vote goes for LIA from Lac for Bus/train ticket up to 200
>>> USD+ Hanen from Africa for flight 300USD and Olga from Europe up to 1000
>>> USD.
>>> Best wishes
>>> Le dimanche 4 novembre 2018, Louise Marie Hurel <
>>> louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Glad to see so many qualified members!
>>>> My vote goes to Olga and Akinremi. Both have been active in following
>>>> and engaging with policy, either in the PDPs or through public comments,
>>>> which makes more than confident that they will be able to represent NCUC
>>>> and bring insights from their experience to the IGF community.
>>>> I'm aware that Akinremi requested the full 2000USD for travel, however,
>>>> if the EC agrees, we could follow up asking if he would be ok with partial
>>>> funding.
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Louise Marie Hurel
>>>> Cybersecurity Project Coordinator | Igarapé Institute
>>>> London School of Economics (LSE) Media and Communications (Data and
>>>> Society)
>>>> Skype: louise.dias
>>>> +44 (0) 7468 906327
>>>> *l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk <l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk> *
>>>> louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com
>>>> On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 at 23:03, Michael Karanicolas <
>>>> mkaranicolas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I vote for Olga and Lia to split the support. My primary criteria was
>>>>> looking for participants who are actively involved in sessions at IGF,
>>>>> since I think that will give them the most prominent opportunity to fly the
>>>>> NCUC colours, and I also think it would be good to send participants with
>>>>> some regional and linguistic diversity, to reach out to folks from
>>>>> different backgrounds.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 6:53 PM Antonella Perini <antomperini at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I've completed the excel with my votes (Hanen, Olga and Lia). Besides
>>>>>> active NCUC members, I've considered confirmed panelists/rapporteurs
>>>>>> and gave priority to partial fundings in order to maximize the number of
>>>>>> beneficiaries.
>>>>>> Have a good weekend :)
>>>>>> Antonella.
>>>>>> On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 at 19:09, Louise Marie Hurel <
>>>>>> louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Maryam,
>>>>>>> Thanks for the email and for kindly assembling all applications.
>>>>>>> I believe you meant November 3rd? :)
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Louise Marie Hurel
>>>>>>> Cybersecurity Project Coordinator | Igarapé Institute
>>>>>>> London School of Economics (LSE) Media and Communications (Data and
>>>>>>> Society)
>>>>>>> Skype: louise.dias
>>>>>>> +44 (0) 7468 906327
>>>>>>> *l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk <l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk> *
>>>>>>> louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com
>>>>>>> On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 at 16:43, Maryam Bakoshi <
>>>>>>> maryam.bakoshi at icann.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> Please find attached applicationS for NCUC travel support to attend
>>>>>>>> IGF Paris.
>>>>>>>> I have also created a google doc to help with evaluations -
>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/
>>>>>>>> 18v7fmqJQIsY08u6TZqWBGQ5RTzBPW02ZMOe-ALDtYsY/edit#gid=0
>>>>>>>> Please remember that votes need to be in by *3rd September 2018 at
>>>>>>>> 2359 UTC.*
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your time.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>>>> *Maryam Bakoshi* | SO/AC Collaboration Services Sr. Coordinator
>>>>>>>> *ICANN* | Internet Corporation got Assigned Names and Numbers
>>>>>>>> *S*: Maryam.bakoshi.icann | *T*: +44 7846 471777
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: Hanen Idoudi <hanen.idoudi at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: <chair at ncuc.org>, Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Bcc:
>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2018 12:28:08 +0100
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ext] Application for partial Funding to attend IGF 2018
>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> I am an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University
>>>>>>>> of Manouba in Tunisia, member of NCUC since 2014. I have a strong
>>>>>>>> background in the technical aspects of Internet protocols, enterprise
>>>>>>>> networks protocols and overall network design in general with a particular
>>>>>>>> interest in IoT applications and security in wireless technologies.
>>>>>>>> I get involved within Internet Governance issues and activities
>>>>>>>> since 2012, first as a fellow of the Next Generation Leaders program of
>>>>>>>> ISOC. Then, I was a two times ICANN fellow in 2014 (ICANN meetings 49 and
>>>>>>>> 51), a fellow of the ICANN MEAC School of Internet Governance in 2016 then
>>>>>>>> I served as a member of the steering committee of the ICANN MEAC School of
>>>>>>>> Internet Governance in 2018. I am a NCUC member since 2014.
>>>>>>>> I attended and contributed to many other IG local and global events
>>>>>>>> since 2012, such as ISOC Intercommunity events, Tunisian MAG meetings,
>>>>>>>> African Internet Forum, etc.
>>>>>>>> *Motivation to attend IGF 2018 : *
>>>>>>>> I attended IGF 2017 and I contributed actively to many discussions
>>>>>>>> and I intended to be more involved in next editions. I found that among all
>>>>>>>> other IG related events, IGF is the most global and diverse one regarding
>>>>>>>> the wide range of subjects that can be discussed and the amazing freedom of
>>>>>>>> expression that it ensures.
>>>>>>>> I am in particular interested in attending discussions about
>>>>>>>> Cybersecurity and Internet of Things issues and I am willing to represent
>>>>>>>> NCUC and contribute to its booth activities and discussions along with
>>>>>>>> attending other workshops.
>>>>>>>> Moreover, for IGF 2018, *I will be involved in one workshop as a
>>>>>>>> reporter: the IGF 2018 “WS #139 Refugees digital rights: Necessities and
>>>>>>>> Needs”*. I met the main workshop’s organizer MOHAMED FARAHAT,
>>>>>>>> during IGF 2017 and shared many interesting ideas about collaborating in
>>>>>>>> future Internet Governance related events. He invited me to attend its
>>>>>>>> workshop and be the reporter.
>>>>>>>> *For these raisons, I request from your kindness, a partial funding
>>>>>>>> (only transportation funding from Tunis to Paris for a maximum amount of
>>>>>>>> 300 dollars) *to help me attend IGF 2018.
>>>>>>>> *Please notice that I have already a currently valid Shengen Visa
>>>>>>>> (see attached). *
>>>>>>>> I hope that my application would receive your approval. In the
>>>>>>>> meanwhile,  I remain at your entire disposal for any further information.
>>>>>>>> Please find here attached a detailed CV and the proof of Shengen
>>>>>>>> Visa.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Dr-Ing. Hanen IDOUDI
>>>>>>>> Associate Professor in Computer Science
>>>>>>>> ENSI, University of Manouba, Tunisia
>>>>>>>> Horizon 2020 - National Contact Point (ICT)
>>>>>>>> Phone : (+ 216) 97 580 291
>>>>>>>> http://sites.google.com/site/hidoudi/ [sites.google.com]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sites.google.com_site_hidoudi_&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=6hxv1voiXE1Sv_FE9oKVQ6lZuc6gF3O9y1_4vaQWimY&s=DKl0cRpVMg0onA3lQ2XFKRnDzRGyuSpAhPXR4B0xZVo&e=>
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: Olga Kyryliuk <olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net>
>>>>>>>> To: <chair at ncuc.org>, <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Bcc:
>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 15:06:29 +0200
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ext] SOI_NCUC Fellowship to the IGF
>>>>>>>> Dear Bruna and Maryam,
>>>>>>>> First of all, thank you for putting so many efforts and energy into
>>>>>>>> promoting NCUC at fora like IGF, which I believe to be extremely important
>>>>>>>> both in terms of making NCUC known and engaging new members into the
>>>>>>>> community. Despite considering IGF to be one of the most important and
>>>>>>>> influential platform for exchange of ideas on Internet policies and how the
>>>>>>>> future of the Internet should look like, I most likely would have missed it
>>>>>>>> this year having no funding to support my participation. But then I
>>>>>>>> received the news of my session proposal being approved and included into
>>>>>>>> the agenda. Given extremely high number of submitted proposals, I believed
>>>>>>>> it to be wrong to refuse from attending when the session I submitted has
>>>>>>>> been among those selected. I decided to use the opportunity, which also
>>>>>>>> meant covering all related costs on my own. At the end, being there with
>>>>>>>> the community and participating in the discussions is never a bad
>>>>>>>> investment. But then, the very last moment, came the NCUC call for
>>>>>>>> proposals and I decided to try my luck. It's both cos the funding would
>>>>>>>> mitigate the financial burden for me, but even more due to the fact that I
>>>>>>>> truly believe in NCUC values, am proud of being part of the constituency
>>>>>>>> and would be more than happy to help with the outreach at IGF. I know how
>>>>>>>> important but also challenging might be the outreach, and, therefore, I am
>>>>>>>> willing to help you with that.
>>>>>>>> I'm already involved as an onsite moderator for WS #269 Do(not)
>>>>>>>> Touch: Self Regulatory Harbor of Social Platform [intgovforum.org]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.intgovforum.org_multilingual_content_igf-2D2018-2Dws-2D269-2Ddonot-2Dtouch-2Dselfregulatory-2Dsafe-2Dharbor-2Dof-2Dsocial-2Dplatforms&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=4uovud6bFsoz6_g7BScQD0QV8d3YWfdXUr2nq98tqgA&s=QECHiSaEKT1it4kgZFzoblHkody3PbzguujXSeovdA0&e=>and
>>>>>>>> as a rapporteur for WS #227 Blockchain for Social and Humanitarian
>>>>>>>> Applications. [intgovforum.org]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.intgovforum.org_multilingual_content_igf-2D2018-2Dws-2D227-2Dblockchain-2Dfor-2Dsocial-2Dand-2Dhumanitarian-2Dapplications&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=4uovud6bFsoz6_g7BScQD0QV8d3YWfdXUr2nq98tqgA&s=99AZh7f6u8Ob6Fo6MKsTnD0ZucH13afieIBo_PA-Y_w&e=>I've
>>>>>>>> signed the list of NCUC members for IGF, and would be able to sign up for
>>>>>>>> the specific time at the booth once I take a final look at the agenda. I
>>>>>>>> would be equally happy to help with the NCUC outreach session, and other
>>>>>>>> activities that have been planned by the leadership so far. I also commit
>>>>>>>> myself to writing daily reports as required.
>>>>>>>> I'm currently a member of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures WG,
>>>>>>>> WT5 on geographic names at the top level, and an observer of the EPDP team
>>>>>>>> work. Following the ICANN63 meeting, I plan to be engaged in sub-group A of
>>>>>>>> the SubPro WG to review the comments to the Initial Report, as well as in
>>>>>>>> reviewing the draft Initial Report of WT5 and subsequently participating in
>>>>>>>> drafting NCSG comment thereto once the report is published.
>>>>>>>> NCUC is a part of the GNSO’s Noncommercial Stakeholders Group
>>>>>>>> (NCSG) open for civil society organizations, and end users who are caring
>>>>>>>> about non-commercial aspects of domain name policy. NCUC ensures that voice
>>>>>>>> of non-commercial users at ICANN is united and heard by promoting the
>>>>>>>> values of privacy, freedom of expression, diversity, multilingualism,
>>>>>>>> accountability, human rights in general, as well as preventing the
>>>>>>>> government and intellectual property interests overreach in generic domain
>>>>>>>> names, and ensuring that ICANN's mandate is interpreted narrowly to avoid
>>>>>>>> it becoming a content regulator. NCUC members actively participate in
>>>>>>>> public policy writing for generic top-level domains adopted by consensus.
>>>>>>>> For me personally, NCUC is a place where I feel being at home, while
>>>>>>>> surrounded by like minded and passionate human rights advocates within
>>>>>>>> ICANN.
>>>>>>>> My total expenses for the flights and accommodation are around 900
>>>>>>>> euros, which is a bit more than 1000 dollars.
>>>>>>>> Thank you for consideration of my candidacy, and looking forward to
>>>>>>>> your decision.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Olga Kyryliuk
>>>>>>>> PhD, CEO&Founder
>>>>>>>> The Influencer Platform
>>>>>>>> Kiev, Ukraine
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: Flavio Andre Garces Heredia <flagarh at hotmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: "chair at ncuc.org" <chair at ncuc.org>, "maryam.bakoshi at icann.org" <
>>>>>>>> maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Bcc:
>>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 23:34:08 +0000
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ext] NCUC Fellowship to the IGF - statement of interest –
>>>>>>>> Flavio Garces
>>>>>>>> Dear NCUC chair,
>>>>>>>> I am Flavio Andre Garces Heredia, a newcomer since May 2018, this
>>>>>>>> is my statement of interest with the purpose to contribute with the NCUC
>>>>>>>> participation at IGF.
>>>>>>>> 1.       *Outreach plans:* My outreach plans for NCUC during the 13
>>>>>>>> th IGF are some simple but either effective outreach methods;
>>>>>>>> mention my affiliation to NCUC during my interventions in workshops,
>>>>>>>> explain to my colleagues what is ICANN and NCUC and what they do, and share
>>>>>>>> some informational brochures. I think the best way to understand if a team
>>>>>>>> fits for you is learn about it and meet someone who works actively in the
>>>>>>>> team, that is why I had chosen NCUC after ICANN61.
>>>>>>>> As additional comments I would say:
>>>>>>>>    1. I am committed to contribute at our booth at IGF, as well to
>>>>>>>>    write daily reports during the meeting to update the membership on the
>>>>>>>>    proceedings, through our website and twitter.
>>>>>>>>    2. NCUC must have an official opinion about some topics that
>>>>>>>>    will be discussed in the workshops, I would like to advocate for the NCUC
>>>>>>>>    position. If we don’t have, we can prepare some unique positions in order
>>>>>>>>    to make our interventions more effective.
>>>>>>>> 2.       *The workshops I will take part in:* talking about the
>>>>>>>> workshops I will take part in, those are divided in:
>>>>>>>> Topics related to NCUC work: I would like to attend, including but
>>>>>>>> not limited to, the following workshops
>>>>>>>>    - AI Ethics: privacy, transparency and knowledge construction
>>>>>>>>    - Making National Laws Good for Internet Governance
>>>>>>>>    - Local content: a unique opportunity for underserved regions
>>>>>>>>    - Before you know it, Internet governance will be irrelevant
>>>>>>>>    - Accessibility Improved: building inclusive societies with AI
>>>>>>>>    - Net neutrality and beyond: ensuring freedom of choice online
>>>>>>>>    - Data Governance in “Smart” Cities: From Open Data to My Data
>>>>>>>>    - A BRIC hit the Web: Finding patterns in digital policymaking
>>>>>>>>    Other workshops: there other workshops which I would like to
>>>>>>>>    attend, including but not limited to, the following workshops
>>>>>>>>    - Regulation at the age of online platform-based economy
>>>>>>>>    - Proliferation, Cyber Stability and State Responsibility
>>>>>>>>    - CLOUD Act & e-Evidence: implications for the Global South
>>>>>>>>    - Emerging Youth Practices and the Digital Economy
>>>>>>>> 3.       *In my own words about what the NCUC does:* in ICANN`s
>>>>>>>> Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) there is the Noncommercial
>>>>>>>> Users Constituency (NCUC), which members include individuals and non-profit
>>>>>>>> organizations involved, overall, in public policy advocacy related to
>>>>>>>> noncommercial uses and users, and particularly advocate for human rights,
>>>>>>>> privacy, internet governance, net neutrality, and so on. it is important to
>>>>>>>> bear in mind that NCUC works on Domain Name Policy issues and does not
>>>>>>>> cover the broader Internet governance issues that do not relate to domain
>>>>>>>> name policy. Through this perspective the NCUC team contribute to the ICANN
>>>>>>>> mission.
>>>>>>>> I think NCUC is the most inclusive and accessible ICANN`s
>>>>>>>> constituency, it doesn’t have restrictive requirements to join the team. Of
>>>>>>>> course, it is mandatory to contribute in order to achieve the NCUC
>>>>>>>> objectives. In fact, NCUC has the right characteristics which fits for
>>>>>>>> newcomers who are individuals looking for research and policy building
>>>>>>>> opportunities, just like me.
>>>>>>>> 4.       *How much funding:*  I am seeking for round trip airfare
>>>>>>>> tickets, and just $400 dollars to cover accommodation and transportation.
>>>>>>>> I do not need visa to France and I have US visa.
>>>>>>>> I hope you find it helpful.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> Flavio Andre Garces Heredia
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: sudhakara am <sudhakara.mysore at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Bcc:
>>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 09:26:35 +0530
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ext] IGF at Paris - Fellowship
>>>>>>>> Hi Maryam Bakoshi.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for email. I am wish to attend the IGF 2018. Hence this
>>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>>>> Recently I attended the IGF Conference at New Delhi from Oct 12-15,
>>>>>>>> 2018. It was a good conference which dessimatated  the Internet governance
>>>>>>>> at large. I was really benefitted to expand my work in India as ISOC member
>>>>>>>> and Computer Society of India as a executive member since 1981.
>>>>>>>> My statement of Interest
>>>>>>>>  I am involved in computer awareness program  from  1981 to  2006.
>>>>>>>> Later I started giving lectures on Internet and its usage to our faculty
>>>>>>>> members in India through Academic Staff College in Mysore. I had conducted
>>>>>>>> more than 140 lectures in cyber security awareness to faculty members
>>>>>>>> across India. Also We have adopted a Village to make it a digital village
>>>>>>>> starting with  teaching school children about use of Internet in digital
>>>>>>>> payments. As a head of computer center and Visiting professor to management
>>>>>>>>  colleges I have involved in conducting conferences in e- security and e
>>>>>>>> governance in Mysore. As a supporter of data protection with privacy law I
>>>>>>>> have contributed  to  frame law.  I have published more than 15 national
>>>>>>>> and international journals in e security, IOT Security in health care and
>>>>>>>> mobile banking standards. No I wish to contribute to world community in
>>>>>>>> Internet policy and as a member of NCUC has attended many web deliberation
>>>>>>>> in expressing my views on various Internet issues. With my  enormous
>>>>>>>> contribution I would like to attend IGF at PARIS with fellowship with
>>>>>>>> airfare and hotel accommodation. I hope you will consider my candidature to
>>>>>>>> IGF.
>>>>>>>> NAME : Dr. Sudhakara Arabagatte Mylarappa
>>>>>>>> Qualifications: BE, MBA, Ph.D
>>>>>>>> Membership: ICANN, ISOC and CSI, India
>>>>>>>> ICANN participation : ICANN 57 at Hyderabad, India and ICANN 58 at
>>>>>>>> COPENHAGEN, Denmark  on on my own fund.
>>>>>>>> [image: Google Document]
>>>>>>>> final CV Sudhakara-sept28-2018
>>>>>>>> [docs.google.com]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1tKZ82y-2DImB-2Dw6eSt5nmUCSGq1S2Tm99dTZ8yKHMSnYc&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=GD8QHS0hEuSMWxJwLQ0QpEw05s_zGgjqakazL7FtJZU&s=ElKgoHw7furEsX9V9so_XyyUdU3COlOQDGew4r6ZYAg&e=>
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Best Wishes
>>>>>>>> Dr A M Sudhakara, 9342185571
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: Akinremi Peter Taiwo <compsoftnet at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>, <chair at ncuc.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Bcc:
>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 20:17:13 +0100
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ext] Statement of Interest for IGF Fellowship
>>>>>>>> Consideration.
>>>>>>>> Dear Maryam and NCUC Chair,
>>>>>>>>   Please ignore the previous email that was sent. There is a few
>>>>>>>> amendment.
>>>>>>>>    It would be my pleasure to be consider for a travel fellowship
>>>>>>>> to attend the 13th IGF in France.
>>>>>>>> I would be pleased to erect the banner of NCUC and explain the
>>>>>>>> value and objective of NCUC to IGF participants at the booth and hold the
>>>>>>>> position of NCUC (noncommercial interest) during the IGF sessions that
>>>>>>>> relates to user privacy, Domain Name and especially that of data protection
>>>>>>>> and issues related to ICANN.
>>>>>>>> As part of the outreach, I would support the NCUC leadership team
>>>>>>>> to the IGF to plan and make the booth interactive as well as tweets
>>>>>>>> activities. Aside of the major activity, if possible to join any session, I
>>>>>>>> would join a session that is interested to NCUC and make the stand of NCUC
>>>>>>>> know and reflected.
>>>>>>>> As an active member of the NCUC, have been regular to the monthly
>>>>>>>> calls, policy training and as a pen holder as well as co-drafter of public
>>>>>>>> comments. It’s no doubt that I would be able to represent NCUC very well at
>>>>>>>> the booth session. Also, for emphasis, I was one of the recent candidates
>>>>>>>> for the NCUC African seat which shows my interest in defending the interest
>>>>>>>> of NCUC.
>>>>>>>> The NCUC primary aim is to advocate for non-commercial interest in
>>>>>>>> the ICANN and beyond the ICANN environment. To fulfill that mandate, NCUC
>>>>>>>> develop and make input into policy in ICANN and various working groups
>>>>>>>> while collaborating with other stakeholders to ensure non-commercial
>>>>>>>> interest are protected. And in other to ensure non-commercial voice is
>>>>>>>> heard, NCUC organizes outreach events to sensitized global stakeholders of
>>>>>>>> the need to put non-commercial interest first and also used that
>>>>>>>> opportunity to recruit potential member that would serve as NCUC
>>>>>>>> ambassador.
>>>>>>>> I would be taking part in a main session as a remote moderator on a
>>>>>>>> digital accessibility and inclusion session, which somehow related to
>>>>>>>> noncommercial activities in ensuring equal access to internet and as a
>>>>>>>> basic human right. As broad as access and digital inclusion, user privacy
>>>>>>>> and data protection is one of the core positions of the NCUC. Here is the
>>>>>>>> link to the main session proposal: https://docs.google.
>>>>>>>> com/document/d/18zNp8X4q8t8jnj9kECR_7Wvq3ayLbg1YJksbyEgkR-M/edit?
>>>>>>>> usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_18zNp8X4q8t8jnj9kECR-5F7Wvq3ayLbg1YJksbyEgkR-2DM_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing-26fbclid-3DIwAR13aMi-5FBAHWdA7n-2DTMpcJp1s1-5Fkd3w3hgM1Xx6x1QC-2Dbk5IY8sITC-2DbbIw&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=P6wahPxHKpYEBaX-Dvl-A9lKGvLid3_bhGsdzWZmySE&s=8OfA2JQ_qzaLOg1RcfkQFBJ_17Hh-tDwBrnwzJr92eE&e=>
>>>>>>>> I would be required to be sponsored to an IGF in Paris to take care
>>>>>>>> of my stay throughout the meeting with a sum of 2000 USD as stated in the
>>>>>>>> call to fund my flight ticket, hotel, local transport etc.
>>>>>>>> I look forward to a favorable response.
>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *Akinremi Peter Taiwo (IT Consultant [compsoftnet.com.ng]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.compsoftnet.com.ng&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=P6wahPxHKpYEBaX-Dvl-A9lKGvLid3_bhGsdzWZmySE&s=2br4iwYNQ-SllEyUinqVqreECtlFO_30Hw7le1Varto&e=>)*
>>>>>>>> *[ West Regional  Coordinator ]*
>>>>>>>> *African Civil Society on Information Society (ACSIS)*
>>>>>>>> *Website: www.acsis-scasi.org [acsis-scasi.org]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.acsis-2Dscasi.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=P6wahPxHKpYEBaX-Dvl-A9lKGvLid3_bhGsdzWZmySE&s=yU-OUGKdcpiXPqcoJCBweUCrVA1Yxgr2MG_SvW_B-AA&e=>*
>>>>>>>> *Phone: +2347-0638-30177, +2348-1874-76292 twitter: @compsoftnet
>>>>>>>> Skype: akinremi.peter*
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: "Lia Patricia Hernández P." <direccion at ipandetec.org>
>>>>>>>> To: <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc: <chair at ncuc.org>
>>>>>>>> Bcc:
>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 14:52:06 +0100
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ext] NCUC Fellowship to the IGF
>>>>>>>> Dear Maryam and Bruna,
>>>>>>>> I will apply for the IGF slot. I know that I am not from Europe,
>>>>>>>> but I still in Europe waiting for a responses of other funders to attend
>>>>>>>> IGF, so if you considered me for the grant (maybe a bus, flight or train
>>>>>>>> ticket), I will appreacite.
>>>>>>>> I am confirmed to participate in this sessions:
>>>>>>>> NRIs main session
>>>>>>>> NRIs Digital Economy Session
>>>>>>>> I can help in the NCUC both as well, translate the NCUC brochure
>>>>>>>> into spanish.
>>>>>>>> bests,
>>>>>>>> * Lia Patricia Hernández P.*
>>>>>>>> Directora Ejecutiva
>>>>>>>> IPANDETEC
>>>>>>>> Calle 57 este Obarrio
>>>>>>>> Sortis Business Tower, Piso 20, Oficina 2030
>>>>>>>> Ciudad de Panamá
>>>>>>>> E: direccion at ipandetec.org
>>>>>>>> W: www.ipandetec.org [ipandetec.org]
>>>>>>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ipandetec.org_&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=oQUSRJ5UmaOzbKX8Tt6Hdp6E1eH-LKmbN70aMjm9O2o&s=5v9oajj9-Ht96EGj1S5bMZVwIHL3xCs77gunBZ0j5Sg&e=>
>>>>>>>> T: +507 6614-2732
>>>>>>>> Skype: liapat
>>>>>>>> *IPANDETEC es una organización no gubernamental con sede en Ciudad
>>>>>>>> de Panamá, trabajando en políticas públicas de Internet en Centroamérica.*
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: Houda CHIHI <houda.chihi at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>, <chair at ncuc.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>> Bcc:
>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 13:34:13 +0100
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Ext] NCUC Fellowship to the IGF 2018
>>>>>>>> Dear editors,
>>>>>>>> i hope that my letter finds you well,i am a PhD in ICT from
>>>>>>>> Tunisia, senior researcher connected in mailist of NCUC,very interested
>>>>>>>> about the offered schollarship of IGF 2018 for this
>>>>>>>>  i jont you my application ,
>>>>>>>> Awaiting to your response,
>>>>>>>> Kind regards:
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>> --
>> *Bruna Martins dos Santos *
>> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
>> @boomartins
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