[NCUC-EC] planning NCUC NPOC joint actions - developments

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 04:09:46 CET 2018

Dear EC

I'm bringing you a few developments on planning NCUC NPOC joint
actions in ICANN61.

* Joint Outreach

We'll have the following sequence

Opening - NPOC Chair and NCUC EC
Context - NCSG - Farzaneh Badii
Keynote - Milton Mueller
Other SGs and CSOs - GAC US rep flash talk (to be confirmed)
CSOs present their work and speak about an important topic to them (5min each)
Block 1 - already affiliated
Open Knowledge Finland - Raoul Plummer talks GDPR on ICANN and NPOC for OKFI
IPANDETEC - Lia - Upcoming ICANN62 and Panama
EFF - Jeremy Malcolm (remote) - activism in digital rights in ICANN
Block 2 - Non affiliated CSOs
ISOC Puerto Rico - Preparation of ICANN61

* Constituency Day

We have parallel sessions on our CD and NPOC
Our 3rd block is in parallel
We have had parellel sessions before
However, this year, NPOC can be open having NCUC as guest in their CD

So these are decisions for the EC to take:

- Any objections to the CSO roundtable programme?
- In favor or opposed to merging 3rd block CD?

Please reply by 25feb


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