[NCUC-EC] Bylaws and Procedural Rules

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Mon May 8 03:08:24 CEST 2017

Just a note that all the times in the doodle poll are in UTC. Slots start
from 11 am until 2 pm UTC.


On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 5:25 PM, farzaneh badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> We have a change of plan, seems like the next two to three weeks are full
> of conferences and other events and some are busy. But we need to get the
> bylaws done with, so I would like to suggest that we have two meetings this
> week (on Tuesday and Wednesday) to get the bylaws done. I have created a
> poll here https://doodle.com/poll/hfxspiehz8x5am5c
> Please choose your available timeslot on both Tuesday and Wednesday by
> tomorrow 11 am UTC. I will then ask Maryam to arrange the adobe for us.
> Remember that you need to indicate your availability on both Tuesday and
> Wednesday. We will have meetings on both days.
> Best
> Farzaneh
> Farzaneh
> On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 9:40 AM, farzaneh badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Two things we need to finish up ideally before ICANN Johannesburg:
>> Procedural Rules and NCUC Bylaws.
>> I suggest two meetings (for two hours each) for the bylaws and two
>> meetings (two hours) for procedural rules.
>> Here is the link to the bylaws: https://docs.google.co
>> m/document/d/1m38v50W-vLjZLDAr6HoZzRXQP3aE9Xoz1RmlGqAIQ-Y/edit#
>> (note to Michael: we need to respond to ICANN staff comment on the doc
>> and during our meeting on the bylaws, and then submit the bylaws to the
>> Board)
>> Link to procedural rules:https://docs.google.com/
>> document/d/1b-GyV4FQdIZ8MIWiKVznSsxlb-_z7GQCZotf1g_wosk/edit#
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b-GyV4FQdIZ8MIWiKVznSsxlb-_z7GQCZotf1g_wosk/edit#>
>> For the bylaws: Friday 19 May and 26 May
>> For procedural rules: Friday 2 June and 9 June
>> We have discussed the bylaws until page number 6.
>> As to time: I am not sure what time is best for everyone, usually, we do
>> 13.00 UTC. Let me know which start time works best:
>> 12.00 UTC
>> 13.00 UTC
>> 14.00 UTC
>> 15.00 UTC
>> Please also volunteer to make the structure and the numbering of
>> procedural rules coherent.
>> Thanks much
>> Farzaneh
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