[NCUC-EC] 3 answers waiting your review on Outreach proposals

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 04:24:36 CET 2017

Dear NCUC EC members

We already have 3 Outreach proposals waiting for your review from our form.

There are some interesting ideas, I'll name a few:
- Help on viral marketing
- NCUC T-shirts
- Acknowledgement of members work like workshops and others via social
media or NCUC blog post

There are also funding requests and we are all aware this is limited
and for CROPP there is already the proposals of Johannesburg event and
Rightscon travels, according to last meeting. So other pathways to
funding would have to be indicated (for instance encouraging
application to grants such as https://www.accessnow.org/grants/).

We had thought of giving a reply to members within 15 business days of
the proposals.

I'd suggest, since proposals will keep coming in, all members review
them and add comments. I'll collate comments quarterly and send them
to members.

You'll receive in your inbox a link to the spreadsheet with proposals.

Would this be ok w/ everyone?



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