[NCUC-EC] Arranging the constitutency day

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 17:58:00 CET 2017


Fellows will be at 6 45 to 7am start

I support the suggestions

Em 08/02/2017 03:20, "farzaneh badii" <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com> escreveu:

we need to organize the constituency day at ICANN Copenhagen

I can see that from 8.30 to 10.30 fellows will have their own session ( I
am surprised in my days they woke us up at 6, and started the meeting at

I suggest we do the following:

8.30 to 9.30: introduction/ NCUC and shaping policy at NCSG and ICANN
(discussing the take aways from Sunday meeting on NCSG policy committee)

9.30 to 10.00: EC's work so far, opportunities and challenges

10 I assume is the break

10.30 hopefully the fellows get out! so we can have a nice newcomer fellows
introduction for 45 minutes: What we do at NCUC and why you should join us
if interested in noncommercial users rights

11.15, 12.00 -- (TBD) ( I was going to suggest to invite Kaveh Ranjbar the
current ICANN Board from ASO. We just introduce him to what we do and what
we care about and just get to know him) also we could invite PIR to have a
chat and say what we are doing.

I will send this to NCUC as well after you comment so that they get a
chance to comment as well and shape their constituency day.


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