Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 15:28:04 CET 2017

Just submitted my votes at the table, but explanation wise:

1. Olga Kyryliuk, for the reasons exposed in my vote for her to be the
Onboarding menttee: very good cv, work experience and willingness to work
with NCUC.
2. Shahul Hameed, interest in RDS (so could work with Ayden/Stephanie) and
vonluteered for the Jurisdiction PC.
3. Farell Folly, also for his recent engagement with NCUC - wrote the
F.A.Q, older member, was a fellow in ICANN59.

ps. Despite being the most qualified candidate, Farell was a NCUC fellow in
ICANN59 and has been recently conducted to our policy committee, should we
consider giving this third slot to a less engaged/slightly new candidate ?


2017-12-14 21:46 GMT-02:00 Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com>:

> Dear EC
> You have until 20dec for this deliberation
> Candidate Varsha Sewlal has funding to ICANN61 already so I will guide
> her to apply for the partial funding for NCUC Policy Course
> So you have 7 candidates for 3 selections as NCUC Mentees
> To aid your deliberation (and my job at tallying :) ) here's a summary
> and you can also note your vote there
> Even if you note your vote there, you still need to send it to this
> list w/ justification
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UsX0KXwhT6cimbpUWYdzLs01G5FTH
> HADHhdLkcZ1Yos/edit?usp=sharing
> ****Please try to deliberate asap because the sooner the candidates
> are chosen, the sooner they can process visa, cheaper plane ticket
> etc.
> Thanks
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*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

+55 61 99252-6512
Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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