[NCUC-EC] IGF Travel support call - Applications

Grace Githaiga ggithaiga at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 15 17:38:39 CEST 2016

Is it in order to consider those that came after deadline?  I don't think so.

Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 4:25 PM +0300, "Rafik Dammak" <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>> wrote:

Thanks Grace for your selection. looking to hear from others.
Maryam sent also additional applications received after the deadline.



2016-10-13 23:00 GMT+09:00 Grace Githaiga <ggithaiga at hotmail.com<mailto:ggithaiga at hotmail.com>>:

For me it is only Titiana who qualifies for full funding. And Rachael for funding. I was not able to read the applications Roger Oteng Baah Benjamin Akinmoyeje..

From: NCUC-EC <ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org>> on behalf of Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:25 PM
To: Maryam Bakoshi
Subject: Re: [NCUC-EC] IGF Travel support call - Applications

Hi ,

Thanks Maryam for compiling all the requests.
All EC members, please review those application and send your choice for full and partial support, giving some explanation behind the choice.
I think we can do this within 24 hours.

Best Regards,

2016-10-13 7:31 GMT+09:00 Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>:
Dear all,

Please find attached for your review 7 applications for Travel Support to attend IGF.

1.      Baudouin Schombe

2.      Sonigitu Ekpe

3.      Carlos Vera

4.      Tatiana Tropina

5.      Benjamin Akinmoyeje

6.      Rachel Pollack

7.      Roger Oteng Baah

Many thanks,
Maryam Bakoshi
Secretariat Support – NCSG/NCUC/NPOC
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
S: maryam.bakoshi.icann
T: +44 7737698036<tel:%2B44%207737698036>

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From: Baudouin SCHOMBE <b.schombe at gmail.com<mailto:b.schombe at gmail.com>>
To: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>
Cc: Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2016 15:26:48 +0100
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for travel support applications for IGF

I apply for full support to ICANN.
I am involved like speaker in Civil Caucus group. It will be a relevant opportunity to exchange with NCUC for participating in IGF DRC which wil be held next month at Kinshasa. This is first proposal and the second one, DRC will organize IGF of Central Africa at Kinshasa next year because political situation is still dark for this year.
During IGF sessions, it will be important to share NCUC experience.


ISOC Member
Téléphone mobile:+243998983491<tel:%2B243998983491>/+243813684512<tel:%2B243813684512>
email                  : b.schombe at gmail.com<mailto:b.schombe at gmail.com>
skype                 : b.schombe
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2016-10-07 16:17 GMT+01:00 Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>:
Hi everyone,

This year we have one free travel slot for IGF which is provided by ICANN. This will be a full funding opportunity.  We have also decided to allocate from NCUC funds for supporting travel to IGF. This will be a partial funding opportunity.

We invite you to apply for either the ICANN full funding travel support or NCUC partial funding travel support. In your application, you should indicate:

Your preference for ICANN full funding or NCUC partial funding
If partial funding, how much you would need
If you have been invited to any workshop to speak about NCUC or civil society at ICANN
Your plan to carry out outreach for NCUC at IGF
If at the moment you are involved with any working groups at ICANN
Any other contribution you have made to NCUC (commenting on public comments, helping with policy issues etc).

Please submit your application by 12th October, by sending it to Maryam and myself

Best Regards,

Rafik Dammak

Ncuc-discuss mailing list
Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>

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From: Sonigitu Ekpe <soekpe at gmail.com<mailto:soekpe at gmail.com>>
To: Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>
Cc: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 20:44:18 +0100
Subject: Request for Full ICANN Travel Support to Attend IGF 2016
Dear Maryam,

I write to express my interest to request for full ICANN funding to attend the IGF 2016.

I am involve in the Nigerian IGF, West Africa IGF and the AfIGF. In 2013 I self-sponsored myself to participate at the IGF 2013 which held in Bali and contributed to the forum very effective, I got funded by UNDESA to attend the 2015 IGF in Brazil. In June attended the OECD 2016 Ministerial meeting on Digital Economy in Cancun, México, also participated very effectively during ICANN 56 in Helsinki, Finland which was my first ICANN meeting and also the first Internet Corporation Assigned Names and Numbers policy meeting and got sponsored to attend the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition {GODAN} 2016 Summit in New York, USA where I spoke about NCUC during a side event.

I learnt from these meetings that greater use of digital technologies demand for new skills. First, the production of digital products and services requires specialist skills in information and communication technologies to programme software, develop applications and manage networks. Second, workers across an increasing range of occupations need generic ICT skills to use such technologies effectively. Finally, the diffusion of digital technologies is changing how work is done, raising demand for complementary skills such as information processing, self-direction, problem solving and communication.
I would like to foster inclusive solutions-oriented member dialogue, cooperation and consensus by networking around a global platform for sharing information, knowledge and recommendations founded on expert scientific research and multi-stakeholder sectoral experience and to work internationally with receptive external partners to develop fair and objective policies to stimulate and demonstrate practical, measured and effective responses to e-waste prevention, management and processes.

It may please you to know that I am one of the speakers in one of the workshop title: ICT IMPLEMENTATION IN EDUCATION: ROAD-MAP TO ACHIEVING SDGs and shall also be participating in all ICANN workshops.

I humbly solicit for full ICANN sponsorship to enable me attend and fully participate at the 2016 IGF in Mexico, so as to help consolidate new skills to support marginalised and vulnerable groups in Africa.

I have already secured a two years B1/B2 US Visa, I shall carryout outreach activities for NCUC during the IGF:

Please accept my rest assured esteemed regards.
Sonigitu Ekpe

Mobile +234 805 0232 469    Office + 234 802 751 0179<tel:%2B%20234%20802%20751%200179>
 "LIFE is all about love and thanksgiving"

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From: Carlos Vera <cveraq at gmail.com<mailto:cveraq at gmail.com>>
To: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>, Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 11:45:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for travel support applications for IGF
Hi, here is my application for IGF Mexico.

Carlos Vera

Your preference for ICANN full funding or NCUC partial funding


If you have been invited to any workshop to speak about NCUC or civil society at ICANN

Your plan to carry out outreach for NCUC at IGF

Participating in every meeting at IGF and collaborating with other NCUC members in any activitie that can provide a way to better understand the NCUC role, mainly with spanish speaking people from LAC.

The lack of participation from this part of the world is related with language, lack of funds to travel and also the lack of spanish content with more friendly information.

My purpose is to help to better understand Icann and NCUC with the participants.

If at the moment you are involved with any working groups at ICANN

We are always involved in Civil Society activities through several workgroups like LACRALO, ISOC, GIGANET, etc. Inside those groups we develop several actions to promote and improve the participation of our people on this issues that sound sometimes strange for them, government officials and enterpreneurs.

Every day I personally work with no less than, 20 email lists, webinars, virtual meetings, volunteer work and more in this very hard task.

I'm not affiliated with any big enterprise, NGO from a developed country or in any other way with an organization-institutions where being a volunteer is a paid job. I'm  a volunteer completly on my own and need this kind of support to better interact with more people every day and improve the way we promote the interest on ICANN or NCUC

Any other contribution you have made to NCUC (commenting on public comments, helping with policy issues etc).

Carlos Vera

2016-10-07 10:17 GMT-05:00 Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>:
Hi everyone,

This year we have one free travel slot for IGF which is provided by ICANN. This will be a full funding opportunity.  We have also decided to allocate from NCUC funds for supporting travel to IGF. This will be a partial funding opportunity.

We invite you to apply for either the ICANN full funding travel support or NCUC partial funding travel support. In your application, you should indicate:

Your preference for ICANN full funding or NCUC partial funding
If partial funding, how much you would need
If you have been invited to any workshop to speak about NCUC or civil society at ICANN
Your plan to carry out outreach for NCUC at IGF
If at the moment you are involved with any working groups at ICANN
Any other contribution you have made to NCUC (commenting on public comments, helping with policy issues etc).

Please submit your application by 12th October, by sending it to Maryam and myself

Best Regards,

Rafik Dammak

Ncuc-discuss mailing list
Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>

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From: "Dr. Tatiana Tropina" <t.tropina at mpicc.de<mailto:t.tropina at mpicc.de>>
To: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>, <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>, farzaneh badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com<mailto:farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 18:12:22 +0200
Subject: Application for travel support applications for IGF

Hello Maryam, Rafik and Farzaneh,

Please find below my application for the IGF travel slot (ICANN, full funding). I structured in bullet point to what you asked to be indicated.

Your preference for ICANN full funding or NCUC partial funding

My preference is a fully funded travel slot. I am working in the academia, and I won’t be able to go to another continent on my own money, even partially. My institute doesn’t sponsor me for the IGF and my participation in ICANN is a pure voluntary unpaid activity.

If you have been invited to any workshop to speak about NCUC or civil society at ICANN

I have been invited to speak about NCUC and civil society at the following NCUC workshops:

- No. 91 The power of the noncommercial users on the Internet https://www.intgovforum.org/cms/igf2016/index.php/proposal/view_public/91[intgovforum.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.intgovforum.org_cms_igf2016_index.php_proposal_view-5Fpublic_91&d=DQMDaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=ieJWNCZ8_Oclijq7CV5UDIikRZhQhLImudBB7BouVzg&s=j_UsaQR-eLHqYqq8shNqECGpRq1FKVy0I6RO0ILqeGc&e=>
- No. 86 Reality of the Answerability of multistakeholder model https://www.intgovforum.org/cms/igf2016/index.php/proposal/view_public/86[intgovforum.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.intgovforum.org_cms_igf2016_index.php_proposal_view-5Fpublic_86&d=DQMDaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=ieJWNCZ8_Oclijq7CV5UDIikRZhQhLImudBB7BouVzg&s=MIjZc_VQ1JuVLM87DnaePevD7J-aD7YVUNUwixtc4TI&e=>

I am also invited to be a speaker (as one of the NCUC participants in the CCWG accountability) on the panel on the post-IANA transition ICANN, as far as I am concerned this workshop was proposed by the CCWG-Internet Governance. I assume I will have to provide NCUC/CS perspective to the issue:

No. 64 A Post IANA Transition ICANN https://www.intgovforum.org/cms/igf2016/index.php/proposal/view_public/64[intgovforum.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.intgovforum.org_cms_igf2016_index.php_proposal_view-5Fpublic_64&d=DQMDaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=ieJWNCZ8_Oclijq7CV5UDIikRZhQhLImudBB7BouVzg&s=nZZZKqss9PNfiVvcWh4B_bcB5U3yvLWzBUm02VZ5SUE&e=>

In addition, I have an invitation to be a moderator (they call it "agent provocateur") at the IGF 2016 Dynamic Coalitions Joint Sessions and Exhibition Booth, where I am supposed to “provocatively" moderate the session.

Last and in this case least, I am invited to a couple of other panels. One of them is a debate on cybersecurity and human rights, I believe NCUC might possibly benefit from my presence there.

Since I have no funding for the IGF at my work, I warned all the inviting parties, including NCUC, that I could confirm my participation only provisionally and under the condition that I obtain funding somewhere. Unfortunately, none of the workshops I am invited to speak at provide the funding for my participation.

Your plan to carry out outreach for NCUC at IGF

I have already been involved in the outreach activities and did outreach at the regional IGF for South-Eastern Europe and at EuroDIG (together with Farzaneh). So I have experience in this. My approach to outreach includes several activities: first of all, I believe in talking to people individually and give brochures and inform them about the NCUC activities. Secondly, I think we can always benefit from the presence of the NCUC members on the panels, because the aims we achieved at ICANN and our successes can already raise the interest to the NCUC and we get visibility in the crowd and can provoke the interest. Thirdly, I am not aware whether there is any slot for the NCUC outreach, but I can be at the NCUC booth and take part in any other activities like this.

If at the moment you are involved with any working groups at ICANN

I have been involved in the CCWG accountability, where I participated in the Workstream 1. Right now I am a member of 4 design teams of the Workstream 2: Human Rights, Jurisdiction, AC/SO accountability and Transparency. Among those four, the most actively I participate in the human rights subgroup, though jurisdiction started later than all others, so I am waiting for it to get in the full swing to be able to contribute a lot.

In addition, I am a member of the CCWP for Social Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights, where I am one of the active participants.

Any other contribution you have made to NCUC (commenting on public comments, helping with policy issues etc).

I am an NCUC representative in the NCSG policy committee, and I try to fulfil all the tasks I need to perform there, there are all related to approval of submissions of the public comments, appointments and policy issues. I do believe that I am also helping with policy issues with my voluntary commitments in the CCWG accountability and and CCWP for human rights. As a mentioned previously, recently I also helped to carry out NCUC outreach activities. I am trying to get NCUC more visibility and credibility and get more people involved in the NCUC work.

Thanks a lot for considering my application!

Warm regards


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From: Benjamin Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com<mailto:benakin at gmail.com>>
To: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>, Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 17:46:35 +0100
Subject: Application for IGF 2016 NCUC Funding Support
Dear NCUC Chair,
Kindly find attached my application for IGF 2016 Funding Support.

Thank you,

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From: Rachel Pollack <rachel.l.pollack at gmail.com<mailto:rachel.l.pollack at gmail.com>>
To: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>, Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 15:11:54 +0200
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for travel support applications for IGF
Dear Rafik and Maryam,

I would like to apply for funding to participate in the IGF. Below are my responses to application questions:

Your preference for ICANN full funding or NCUC partial funding

As I do not have other funding opportunities, I would require full funding in order to participate in the meeting. If full funding from ICANN is unavailable, I estimate that the cost of an economy-class flight (round trip Paris-Guadalajara) and hotel (for 7 nights, to include the joint civil society meeting) to be 2,000 USD.

If you have been invited to any workshop to speak about NCUC or civil society at ICANN

I am scheduled to speak in the workshop organized by NCUC on "The power of noncommercial users on the Internet", where I intend to share the inputs received by members of the NCUC community of their successes and challenges faced in advancing noncommercial interests.

Your plan to carry out outreach for NCUC at IGF

The IGF represents a critical opportunity for increasing the visibility and diversity of the NCUC. My own decision to join the NCUC was strongly influenced by meeting NCUC members at events such as the IGF and EuroDIG and finding a community of friendly individuals with shared interests. I would seek to build upon this type of outreach at this year's IGF.

Before the IGF, I would help prepare materials to distribute at the ICANN booth, including updating the brochure to include recent areas of action and pictures and translating it into Spanish. I would also study the list of participants to identify key organizations and individuals who may be interested in joining NCUC, and email them in advance to invite them to the NCUC-led workshops and to meet during the IGF.

Throughout the IGF and relevant pre-events -- namely the joint civil society meeting on 4 December and the GigaNet Symposium on 5 December -- I would seek to recruit new members and to encourage current members to become more active. I would mention the NCUC in each of my speaking engagements and am happy to be present at the ICANN booth if needed. I could also organize an informal lunch or dinner for existing and future NCUC members to connect and share ideas of where they could become more involved. I would especially seek to engage with underpresented groups within ICANN, particularly women, youth and individuals from the global south. Given that this year's IGF will take place in Mexico, it will be an especially valuable opportunity for engaging new members from Latin America and the Caribbean. In order to connect with youth, I would seek to meet with groups such as the Internet Society's Ambassadors programme and Youth at IGF programme. After the IGF, I would follow up with the individuals and organizations to maintain momentum going forward.

If at the moment you are involved with any working groups at ICANN

I am currently an active member of the:

- Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability Work Stream 2 (CCWG-ACCT WS2): subgroups on Human rights and on Diversity
- Cross-Community Working Party on ICANN's Corporate and Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights (CCWP-HR).

Any other contribution you have made to NCUC (commenting on public comments, helping with policy issues etc).

In addition to contributing to the above-mentioned working groups, I have participated in NCSG calls related to policy and the cross-community working group on accountability with a view to strengthening the inputs of the NCUC into the NCSG's policy making processes. I have also provided suggested edits to drafts of public comments.

Best wishes,

Rachel Pollack Ichou

On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

This year we have one free travel slot for IGF which is provided by ICANN. This will be a full funding opportunity.  We have also decided to allocate from NCUC funds for supporting travel to IGF. This will be a partial funding opportunity.

We invite you to apply for either the ICANN full funding travel support or NCUC partial funding travel support. In your application, you should indicate:

Your preference for ICANN full funding or NCUC partial funding
If partial funding, how much you would need
If you have been invited to any workshop to speak about NCUC or civil society at ICANN
Your plan to carry out outreach for NCUC at IGF
If at the moment you are involved with any working groups at ICANN
Any other contribution you have made to NCUC (commenting on public comments, helping with policy issues etc).

Please submit your application by 12th October, by sending it to Maryam and myself

Best Regards,

Rafik Dammak

Ncuc-discuss mailing list
Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>

---------- Message transféré ----------
From: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>
To: Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 07:32:15 +0900
Subject: Fwd: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for travel support applications for IGF
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Roger Oteng Baah" <roger.baah at gmail.com<mailto:roger.baah at gmail.com>>
Date: Oct 12, 2016 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for travel support applications for IGF
To: "Rafik Dammak" <rafik.dammak at gmail.com<mailto:rafik.dammak at gmail.com>>

Hello Rafik,

Please find attached my application for travel support for IGF 2016.

I have attached my itinerary with which I am applying support for.

Kind Regards,

Roger Oteng Baah

ICANN Fellow
Vice President ISOC, Ghana Chapter
Founder - Secure Reach Foundation
Network Services Specialist

Phone   :  +233244628998<tel:%2B233244628998>
Skype   :   roger.baah
Twitter  :   @MrBaah

NCUC-EC mailing list
NCUC-EC at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:NCUC-EC at lists.ncuc.org>

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