[NCUC-EC] 答复: Fwd: ICANN 57?

Peter Green seekcommunications at hotmail.com
Thu May 26 15:07:19 CEST 2016

Dear Rafik,

Since we are not like RySG, but if there is a hub site in Las Vegas, it is not a bad thing. Saying so, I mean we may be of some help in signing a joint letter, not only for RySG, but for the whole community, provided that other constituencies echo this idea.

Only my two cents!



发件人: NCUC-EC <ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> 代表 Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>
发送时间: 2016年5月26日 20:28
收件人: ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org
主题: [NCUC-EC] Fwd: ICANN 57?

Hi everyone,

just sharing this, I am assuming that we don't need to support a joint letter since we are not impacted that much by the change and not necessarily concerned by setting a hub in Las Vegas.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Diaz
Date: 2016-05-26 3:57 GMT+09:00
Subject: ICANN 57?

Since ICANN announced last week that it rescheduled ICANN 57 to Hyderabad, India, and number of my RySG members have told me that they don’t plan to attend. The most common reason given is cost: people planned for North America (San Juan or Las Vegas), and can’t afford/get approval for the significantly higher airfare and accommodations given existing budgets.

Are you hearing the same from your constituents?

Is there interest in signing a joint letter to ICANN noting the financial concerns and asking that ICANN set up a hub site in North America (perhaps Las Vegas)?

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