[NCUC-EC] URGENT: ICANN Buenos Aires Meeting

João Carlos Rebello Caribé caribe at entropia.blog.br
Fri Mar 13 22:24:05 CET 2015

Good point Stefi,

That's the brainstorming working, you wrote about geographical balance and I imagined other approach related. 

I Agree that geographical balance is a silly way of making decisions, but geographically speaking is interesting way to manage the budget, and it would be considered.

E.G. for this Buenos Aires meeting, is much more cheaper for me to go, than you or Bill, the airfare for me is around U$ 400,00 on other hand Dublin airfare is relatively cheaper for you and expensive for me.  Take this concept, is interesting to use the piggy bank to cover the cheaper airfare and ICANN slots to expensive ones. 

Make sense?

Joao Carlos 

Em 13/03/2015, às 09:58, Milan, Stefania escreveu:

> My take on things (which doesn't concern me specifically, and not in this case. Read: I am not trying to get a free trip here) is that geographical balance is a silly way of making decisions. NCUC needs to support people who do tangible, much needed policy work, and, in second instance, work that supports the constituency as a whole (website, translation, etc). Having said that, geographical balance and rotation are good principles that should come in only as a secondary option-- meaning, when we have satisfied the needs of policy advocacy, which is the primary task of the NCUC (geographical representation is an add-on, as I see it).

João Carlos R. Caribé
Skype joaocaribe
(021) 9 8761 1967

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