[NCUC-EC] Paris CCWG Meeting Funding Request: Ed Morris

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Tue Jun 30 18:27:31 CEST 2015

Hi everyone

As you probably know, the CCWG will meet in Paris 17-18 July to continue the accountability work.  This is a crucial meeting.  Robin will be there as our designated Member but Ed Morris and James Gannon have also been very actively contributing as Participants in the process.  Both are asking for NCUC Travel Support to attend.  I strongly favor getting them there, and this is precisely why we rewrote the policy, to cover such meetings.

Below is Ed’s request.  He guesstimates his travel and accommodation costs at $750.  James sent a request, which I will forward in a second, for 735 euros, or about $821.  As the meeting’s in a couple weeks and prices will rise between now and whenever we make a decision (hopefully soon), their actual costs could be greater.  I suggest we simply offer them the ‘up to $1,000’ specified in the policy:

NCUC can make available up to US $5,000 per calendar year to facilitate participation in such meetings. A member may receive support of up to US $1,000. Covered travel costs include conference-related airfare, visas or related fees, lodging, and airport taxis. If the actual cost of these items is greater than $1,000 the member will be responsible for the difference. NCUC cannot provide a per diem or cover other expenses.

I would greatly appreciate it if we could vote either way as quickly as possible, as time is short.

And of course, any thoughts, questions, etc., please share.

Thanks much,


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Edward Morris <egmorris1 at toast.net>
> Subject: Funding Request
> Date: June 28, 2015 at 1:33:23 AM CDT
> To: William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch>
> Dear Bill,
> Per our conversation, I am requesting consideration by the NCUC EC for travel support to the CCWG meeting in Paris, France that will be held on  the 17th and 18th of July.
> As you are aware the results of this meeting will be determinitive as to whether the transition can take place and, if so, what form it should take. I've amassed a considerable number of duties related to the CCWG  that I should be present to discharge:
> 1. I am the leader of the Ombudsman Review team, the only active subgroup in CCWG work stream 2. This team has just been reactivated and I expect to have an initial scoping document ready to present at this meeting;
> 2. I have been asked by ICANN Board Vice Chair Bruce Tonkin and ICANN Board member Asha Hemrajani to present research findings related to the DIDP to them at the earliest opportunity, which will be this meeting;
> 3. At the third CCWG meeting in Buenos Aires CCWG co-Chair Thomas Rickett proposed the possibility that the Transparency subgroup, which I have previously been asked to lead, be transferred to work stream 1 which would require immediate start up at this meeting.
> ICANN policy only funds Members to this Meeting. Although certainly charged with leadership responsibilities in the CCWG I am classified as a participant and this not eligible for funding. I should note that I expect to be volunteering virtually full time on matters related to the CCWG between now and this Paris meeting.
> If this request is approved I will submit a blog post to the EC within seven days of the conclusion of the Meeting.
> I believe this request complies with the requirements of the NCUC travel policy. I regret I have no possibility of attending the Meeting without the help of the EC. Although this would be the second CCWG the EC has helped me to attend I note that  the total expenditure for all trips would still be less than that provided those attending ICANN meetings.
> I estimate total costs to be about $750, given current plane fares and exchange rates,
> Thank you and the EC for your consideration.
> Kind Regards,
> Ed Morris

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