[NCUC-EC] IMPORTANT DEADLINES for ICANN55 Special Budget Requests Publications

Maryam Bakoshi maryam.bakoshi at icann.org
Tue Dec 15 15:23:12 CET 2015

Dear All,

On behalf of Rafik:

Please find below information regarding design and print of publications (i.e. flyers, brochures, newsletter e.t.c) for ICANN55 Marrakech.
NCUC already has a brochure in <http://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NCUC-brochure-Arabic-April-20151.pdf> Arabic<http://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NCUC-brochure-Arabic-April-20151.pdf>, <http://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/NCUC-Brochure-English-September-2015.compressed.pdf> English<http://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/NCUC-Brochure-English-September-2015.compressed.pdf>, and <http://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NCUC-Brochure-Fran%C3%A7ais-April-20151.pdf> French<http://www.ncuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/NCUC-Brochure-Fran%C3%A7ais-April-20151.pdf>. However, other types of publications can be requested, suggestions are welcome.
The deadlines are below.

2015-12-12 9:18 GMT+09:00 Natalie Schoer <natalie.schoer at icann.org<mailto:natalie.schoer at icann.org>>:

ICANN55 Marrakech will take place from March 05 - 10, and although that date is a few months away, we want to ensure your publications are delivered on-time.

We have established two deadlines, depending on your request type:

January 10, 2015: Deadline if you need your publication DESIGNED and PRINTED.
If you require design assistance for your publication, you need to provide all the text, images, layout and publication type/size requirements (i.e. newsletter vs. 1-pager vs. tri-fold, etc.) by January 10th.

February 05, 2015: Deadline if you ONLY NEED your publication PRINTED.
If you only need your publication printed, meaning your publication is ready to send directly to the printer and needs no design or layout modifications, please provide the file to us along with the quantity you want printed and dimensions of the publication by Februrary 05th.

These deadlines may seem early, but we need enough time for the publications to be designed and/or printed, as well as providing enough time for shipping.

If you do not have any requests for ICANN55, please send us a note informing us that you will not need anything designed and/or printed for the upcoming meeting.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

All the best,

Natalie          email: natalie.schoer at icann.org<mailto:natalie.schoer at icann.org>         phone: +1 310 795 7285<tel:%2B1%20310%20795%207285>
Jana              email: jana.juginovic at icann.org<mailto:jana.juginovic at icann.org>          phone: +1 310 383 8194<tel:%2B1%C2%A0310%20383%208194>

Many thanks,

Maryam Bakoshi
Secretariat Support - NCSG, NCUC & NPOC
Maryam.bakoshi at icann.org<mailto:Maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>

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