[NCUC-EC] EC Meeting In Durban et al

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Tue Jul 2 13:40:10 CEST 2013

On Jul 02 12:57, William Drake (william.drake at uzh.ch) wrote:

> In terms of the agenda

> a.     New website update
> Would it be possible on CD to display both the new live version
> (with just extant content transferred) AND a version showing the
> pages we've discussed adding, so we can encourage people to
> collaborate on the missing texts?

Hmm. This needs a bit of thought. I'll try a few things to
see how hard it would be.

> *XXX  What am I missing?  My circuits are a bit overloaded…

* New Asia representative selection process (either selecting on the
  meeting or deciding to delegate it to the chair or whatever)

* Future meetings (how many, when, whether we could do email meetings, &c)

Tapani Tarvainen

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