[Ec-ncuc] Fwd: NCUC rough v3 JAN 16

Brenden Kuerbis bkuerbis
Wed Jan 23 20:36:58 CET 2013

Dear EC,

I want to share with you a rough edit video of footage taken at the Toronto
meeting and confirm financial support to complete post-production.

For those of you who were not on the EC at the time, a few of us (namely
Robin, Milton and myself) thought it would be beneficial to leverage the
well attended NCUC pre-event and produce a short promotional video.  The
purpose was to create something that could be used to explain why
individuals and organizations should join NCUC.  Working with a local
producer (Eric Pedicelli), we conducted several interviews on site. With
our assistance, Eric has culled raw footage to a coherent 6 minutes. The
intention is to shorten this down to 2-3 minutes in the final product with
graphics, transitions, music, etc.

At the time, we contemplated enough surplus funds from the Toronto event to
support a post-production budget of $2000 (which is absolute bare bones).
 I believe this is still the case, but wanted to get approval before moving
forward and polishing it into a final product.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Pedicelli <ericpedicelli at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 10:03 PM
Subject: NCUC rough v3 JAN 16
To: Brenden N Kuerbis <bnkuerbi at syr.edu>

 Hi, Brenden.

 The paper edit you and Milton provided was excellent and gave me plenty to
work with.

 The linked video is a rough content edit. Try not to be distracted by any
jump cuts. For now, view it as though we're editing a radio program and
later we'll make it look great.

 password : ncyousee

I think we should aim for 2-3 mins so this rough cut is long and redundant
which leaves room for you to shape it. I've got opinions about which clips
should be cut but best if you provide me some feedback before I go
further. We should also discuss the post production budget, I'm not sure we
had a final verdict on that.


 - Are there any key points that this edit fails to make or clips I didn't

  - How important is it to include a bit from every interview?


  - We can use text on screen to clarify, reinforce, or even replace a
clip. For example we might want to replace wendy first clip with text.

  - Ron's clip, currently at the beginning, could work effectively as an
intriguing intro or resonating conclusion.

 - One of Milton's clips was used twice.  We'll choose which works best.

  e r i c  p e d i c e l l i
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