[Ec-ncuc] On (mis)trust and cooperation

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc
Sun Feb 3 14:37:20 CET 2013

On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 07:02:31AM +0000, Milton L Mueller (mueller at syr.edu) wrote:

> if one trusts one's colleagues and has a spirit of cooperation and
> collegiality, as the last EC group did, it should not be that
> difficult to understand the need for following up and concluding
> this project. There was, in fact, enthusiastic support for a
> promotional video for NCUC and it's kind of sad to see the carping
> and mistrust that has replaced it in this group.

May I suggest the problem is a communication problem more than
anything else. Perhaps we are a more diverse group than the
previous EC and need more time to get used to each other.

I know I'm still on a steep learning curve, both on the
substantive issues as well as procedural, and I may have
not always been as polite as I should have in asking
for information I feel I need in order to catch up.
But I really need it - for example, I can't in good conscience
make decisions about spending money if I don't understand
where it comes from and how much there is. So bear with me.

And when it comes to substance, policy, I can say that
as far as I can tell, especially based on your writings,
we are in perfect agreement. There's no quarrel about
where we want to go, only friendly (I trust) disagreement
on how to best get there.

So, let's all try to avoid hasty words and attributing
malice where ignorance is an adequate explanation.
We should be able to make a good team yet.

Tapani Tarvainen

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