[NCUC-EC] BA Travel

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Thu Aug 8 09:07:08 CEST 2013

On Aug 06 18:48, William Drake (wjdrake at gmail.com) wrote:

> [...] Michiko was convinced I had chicken pox, but happily I'm
> just back from my doctor who says it's just severe sun poisoning,
> which is not contagious.

I'm glad to hear it wasn't anything worse (bad enough though
that is). Hope you get well soon.

> This together with Durban burnout means I'd like to pull back from
> NCUC admin a bit; I believe this 'job' comes with a right to
> vacation!

You certainly deserve it!

But, to avoid too much TL;DR effect, I'll comment on just
one of your issues in one message. So:

> 1. Buenos Aires Travel

> If we can get [Glen] something in the next week that should be fine.

OK. Still too soon but better than day before yesterday. :-)

> we have two or three orgs represented on the EC that
> generally pay for their people to attend.

We do? I thought only Carlos can be relied on to get that.

> It would be good to have
> confirmation yes or no of this from the relevant folks.

Yes. Indeed it'd be *the* thing we need to know before
we can answer Glen.

Zuan, Wilson: can you get your trip to BA paid by your organizations
(or someone else)?

> If it is correct, then all we need to do to get the full EC there is
> cover one person out of NCUC funds, presumably the cheapest ticket.
> I'd guess that'd be Tapani or Ed.

Ed will get there cheaper, UK has much cheaper connections to almost
anywhere than Finland, though maybe not by much (perhaps $200 or so).
I would need roughly EUR 1000 =~ US$1350 for travel and about $600
for hotel (happy to stay in a 3-star one), plus possible per diem.

But I can also get there cheaper than either Zuan or Wilson,
by a significant amount, so if either of them needs funding,
they should get the ICANN slots instead.

> I favor paying per diem to NCUC's covered traveler as per Durban,
> there's no reason accepting this arrangement should disadvantage
> someone.


> As to making a fixed amount available per Milton, for the AGM up to
> $5k seems ok.

That should be enough for two (from Europe at least), so assuming
Carlos doesn't need funding, we can have ICANN pay for you, Zuan and
Wilson and NCUC for me and Ed. If either Wilson or Zuan can arrange
their own funding we'd only need to cover one (Ed) by NCUC money;
if both of them can, we don't need to use NCUC money at all.

Tapani Tarvainen

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