[NCUC-EC] August to do [long]

William Drake wjdrake at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 05:56:17 CEST 2013


On Aug 8, 2013, at 1:25 AM, Edward Morris <edward.morris at ALUMNI.USC.EDU> wrote:

> I'm sure I speak for everyone in our concern for your health,

Thanks Ed
> 1. Buenos Aires Travel
> The Bylaw revision needs to be an EC proposal. The other way of doing it not only is unnecessary but our current Bylaws are inconsistent in terms of the number of votes needed to get a revision proposal on the ballot. We all need to be involved in getting a consensus on the revision we'll as an EC  be proposing on CD. I'd suggest, if possible, we all need to be in Buenos Aires to properly do this.

In formal terms sure.  The EC signs off, but the EC can't monopolize the process and shouldn't declare consensus over the objections of members.  EC can lead, but others can lead too, and there has to be broad buy in.
> One thing we should probably do in August is try to bring as many of the outputs of these previous efforts together in one place to see what has been attempted. I believe Avri has worked on this before, you as well, Bill...who else should we be in touch with in this regard?

I'm packing to leave so I can dig out the stuff.  There were several versions worked on by me, Avri, KK, Robin, Milton, fikā€¦.need to assemble and compare.
> Perhaps a brief conversation at the outset with someone from legal might be valuable - or should we leave this to Mary or Rob?

Yes let's not go around them, they're our partners here

> I definitely do not want to step on anyone's toes, but I, as all of you, am aware that  legal is leading an effort for all Constituencies and SG's to have ICANN compliant Bylaws, an apparently newly defined order of things.

And yet still nobody can join CSG or read the IPC's listserv...
> Here's my suggestion: Ed and Tapani, since you're particularly eager, how about being the lead carnival barkers and get people into the tent in August?  Some messages to ncuc-discuss, and direct appeals to key vets, to join the listserv (you don't have to use the word 'team' if you don't want) and get organized during August?
> Done, with Tapani's acquiescence.
> => I can ask Glen to secure a room for us for Friday 15 November in BA to do an intensive last push F2F negotiation to pull it together.  I can also ask her, and Xavier, whether any funds can be made available to cover some hotels so we can be there, but this may be difficult.  In which case, and returning to Milton's $5k, my proposal would be that NCUC makes available $2-3k as needed to cover the extra night of hotel so we can get this done.
> I sense the Bylaw revision is going to be an all time consuming affair. From the Friday sessions, to setting up slides, getting our CD presentation down, doing the CD and then selling the thing - we have a tough voting threshold to meet - doing more might be pushing it.

that's what I'm thinking. One major initiative is enough, on top of what's already happening with our involvement via GNSO etc.
> Do we have any word, Bill, on approval of your requests. The IPC is in an uproar over getting their secretariat support proposal declined...how did we do?

our stuff is still pending, limbo

off to NYC


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