[Ec-ncuc] NCUC letter to US House - re iCANN hearing

Konstantinos Komaitis k.komaitis
Sun Dec 11 18:21:52 CET 2011

Thanks all for the input ? I am not sure I have the time to do this, but if someone wants to get a crack at it go ahead. If I manage to produce anything I will send it to the EC.


From: Milton L Mueller <mueller at SYR.EDU<mailto:mueller at SYR.EDU>>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 15:28:54 +0000
To: Konstantinos Komaitis <k.komaitis at strath.ac.uk<mailto:k.komaitis at strath.ac.uk>>, "EC-NCUC at ipjustice.org<mailto:EC-NCUC at ipjustice.org>" <ec-ncuc at ipjustice.org<mailto:ec-ncuc at ipjustice.org>>
Subject: Re: NCUC letter to US House - re iCANN hearing

If you have the spare time to do it, it doesn't hurt, but don't overestimate the attention span of u.s. congresscritters. The hearing was a payoff to ANA for their heavy lobbying. The congress has no authority to interfere w the icann new tld process except insofar as they can pressure ntia. If you do write a letter, make sure that a copy is sent to NTIA (Strickling)

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