[NCUC-DISCUSS] Nomination of Muriel Alapini for the Role of NCUC Africa Representative

Muriel ALAPINI muriel.alapini at gmail.com
Tue May 14 09:08:16 CEST 2024

Dear all,
Thank you Dr. Kossi, Emmanuel & Hervé. I am humbled and honored to accept
this nomination. I will share my statement of interest very soon and
respond to your questions promptly.
 Best regards,

Le mar. 14 mai 2024 à 00:53, Emmanuel Vitus <emmanuelvitus at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Dear all,
> I am pleased to second the nomination of Muriel. She has been an
> outstanding collaborator since ICANN59 in Johannesburg, and I have
> witnessed her quiet yet significant growth within our ecosystem. I believe
> she will be a powerful voice for Africa.
> Merci,
> Emmanuel
> Le lun. 13 mai 2024 à 23:19, Kossi Amessinou <amessinoukossi at gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> Dear All,
>> I am pleased to write to nominate Muriel Alapini for the role of NCUC
>> Africa Representative. Muriel has dedicated years to the field of internet
>> governance and has been an influential mentor to many young Africans. Her
>> extensive involvement with ICANN for the last 7 years both as  a fellow and
>> a member of the constituency underscores her deep commitment and expertise.
>> Furthermore, Muriel's proficiency in both English and French uniquely
>> positions her to effectively represent the diverse interests of the Africa
>> region. I am confident in her abilities and hope she accepts this
>> nomination to bring her valuable perspective to this important role.
>> Thank you for considering this nomination.
>> Best regards,
>> Dr. Kossi Amessinou
>> Chair of ONG Women Be Free
>> *Kossi AMESSINOU*
>> *Docteur en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication*
>> *Expert en gouvernance de l'internet et en transformation digitale*
>> Ancien Directeur de l'Informatique et du Pré-archivage
>> Ancien Coordonnateur de projet et Chef service informatique
>> Téléphone/Whatsapp: +229 95 19 67 02 |+*229 99 38 98 17*
>> Boîte Postale: 01BP7304 Cotonou - Bénin
>> Emails: kamessinou at finances.bj|amessinoukossi at gmail.com
>> http://www.facebook.com/amessinoukossi |
>> www.linkedin.com/pub/kossi-amessinou
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