[NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC read out tomorrow/ brief notes on ICANN 79

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 07:25:19 CET 2024

Hi all

Here are my rough and brief notes about ICANN 79. I don’t follow all the
issues, so if others want to expand or add to anything or correct something
please do chime in:

NCUC ICANN read out

Starting with the board meeting : we have our board meetings at the NCSG

   1. we talked about Human Rights Impact Assessment and asked the board to
   consider doing HRIA on its resolutions. They said we should show them how!
   So we should.
   2. We talked about having a crisis report and an info page when the
   status of the transfer and operations of a ccTLD is unknown. The response
   was a bit bizarre and in way not very clear. But seems like IANA will issue
   a report about a few cases.


   1. DNS abuse contract amendment and what we want to see (for us,
   qualitative indicators such as due process and prevention of rights
   infringement take priority and our success measure is not just how much
   abuse (which is not really possible to measure) has gone down but how just
   the abuse mitigation measures have been
   2. RDRS: rdrs is the triage system that stakeholders use to file
   requests to have access to domain name registrants personal sensitive data.
   It’s a voluntary system and there is a standing committee that wants to
   help with understanding the system better and improve it. We have to
   closely monitor this group as sometimes some ideas might be raised in the
   group that could have an impact on people’s privacy, civil liberties etc
   3. Attended the GAC open mic, raised issues with the confidentiality of
   law enforcement requests for RDRS, also mentioned RVCs should not violate
   human rights
   4. New gTLDs (sub pro) and Registry voluntary commitments : we can’t
   have ICANN enforce RVCs that regulate content, conduct and services online.
   It’s against the bylaws. We can’t have RVCs that could impact freedom of
   expression and other human rights.
   5. Board seat 14: we have a team to work on improving the processes to
   appoint the board member (i shared a survey on ncsg list)

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