[NCUC-DISCUSS] Appreciation and participation

dorothy g dgdorothydg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 10:28:08 CEST 2024

Dear Ben, Thank you for your message and this demonstration of true
leadership. I liked your Pan-african graphic with national dress from many
different parts of the continent.

On Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 17:23, Benjamin Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear NCSG members,
> Good day, and I hope your day is going well.
> I want to use this opportunity to show my appreciation to everyone who
> participated in the NCSG elections. This is an excellent step towards
> active participation in our membership.
> My profound gratitude goes to those who voted for me, especially for
> having confidence in my candidacy.  We have a competent leader in Rafik
> with a roadmap to continue to improve membership engagement.
> I want to encourage members to continue to actively engage and task our
> leaders for results and not for us to wait until the next election cycle.
> I am looking forward to the exciting days ahead in NCSG.
> [image: image (4).png]
> Best regards,
> Benjamin
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stay well, kind regards
Dorothy Gordon
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