[NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC webinar - Policy Writing Course for Non-native Speakers

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 07:50:29 CEST 2020

Dear NCUC,

First of all I hope you are doing well and are safe during this pandemics.
I also do hope it all goes away very soon and we manage through it.

On another note, some good news - NCUC Leadership team has been working on
a second webinar for the Policy Writing course. As we mentioned before,
this one will have the specific target on developing skills on our members
that are also Non-native speakers.

We are aiming for this webinar to take place on the second half of may - we
are aiming for the week between 25th and 29th -  and the idea here will be
to build up on the knowledge shared on our initial Policy Writing Icann
Learn Course and deep dive into strategies, tips and communications
challenges some of us - non-native speakers - might face when attempting to
work on a Policy statement, public comment or anything of the sort.

Therefore, I would like to ask you two things:

*1. Is there interest in taking part of this course ? If so, I would like
you to reply to this email - offlist - confirming your attendance. *(Tentative
week is 25-29th of may, date is yet TBD)
*2. Is there any questions of topics you would like to see on this course ?
Any doubts or current concerns that can better orient our shaping of this
webinar are very much welcome. *

I look forward to hearing back from you!  Please, stay well and inside your
homes - if possible.

Best Regards,

*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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