[NCUC-DISCUSS] Fwd: [CROP CALL] ICANN66 - Annual General Meeting - Deadline September 5th

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 15:22:14 CEST 2019

Dear all,

Just a gentle reminder of our crop call for Montreal! Reminding you all
that, according to new crop guidelines
the funding will only cover 3 nights and 4 days of the meeting.

Best regards,
Bruna Santos

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>
Date: mer. 21 août 2019 à 23:07
Subject: [CROP CALL] ICANN66 - Annual General Meeting - Deadline September
To: NCUC Discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>

Dear NCUC,

Its time that I announce NCUC's CROP call for the Montreal meeting. As you
might know, our constituency has 3 CROP slots per FY that are intended to
help us set our NCUC Strategic Outreach Plan.

Therefore, in light of the upcoming Annual General Meeting in Montreal, to
be held from 2-7 November 2019, our EC has decided to allocate one of our
slots to one constituency member to attend ICANN66.

*We ask you to be ready and attentive to all visa requirements and as you
prepare the documentation to attend, should you be accepted*. Invitation
letters can be requested here and you can find more information at the Meeting
page <https://meetings.icann.org/en/montreal66>.

The travel slot is for one attendee/member from the North American region
who wishes to be more involved with activities of the stakeholder group and
for this upcoming call we would like to emphasize a bit more our interest
in allocating the resource to one member that wishes to be actively engaged
with some of our policy activities.

Please check our Travel Policy
<https://www.ncuc.org/get-involved/travel-policy/> to see if you are
eligible. The selected candidate should participate in all meeting days
and, if the selected candidate is a newcomer, NCUC will assign an onsite

In your application, please include the following information:

** Name     * State the departure and arrival dates/city.      (**
IMPORTANT: we ask that all applicants try to leave and return to the
country of their original departure.**)     * Short statement explaining
why you would like to attend ICANN66 representing NCUC and a short
project/plan of engagement with the activities you plan to participate and
also explaining which working groups/policy discussions are you planning to
be engaged with or wish to enhance your participation at. *

For this specific call, *NCUC EC will be receiving applications until
September 5th* and all submissions should be sent to the following
addresses: chair at ncuc.org  and maryam.bakoshi at icann.org

After the applications are received, *NCUC EC will deliberate and the name
of the successful applicant will be posted in NCUC mailing list on
September 7th* or as soon as EC concludes deliberation.


Consider the following points in your statement.

*1. Why do you want to attend the meeting? Which Working groups or policy
discussions you have been involved with and would like to be involved
further. If you have not been involved in policy discussions, which policy
discussion(s) will  get involved with? (please provide links to your
mailing list contributions and your record of attendance in WG meetings)*

*2. How much time, effort and work will you spend studying policy topics
before, during and after the meeting? And will you stay engaged or
volunteer to mentor future NCSG members? If you have been a part of NCUC
Buddy Pilot program or plan to participate in this or other training
programs within the NCUC or NCSG, please mention. *

Please feel free to reach out, should you have any further questions.

Good luck!

*Bruna Martins dos Santos *
NCUC Chair

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos

*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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