[NCUC-DISCUSS] [off-topic] disaster in Brumadinho, Brazil

Carlos Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Wed Jan 30 11:41:02 CET 2019

Dear people,


I trust you all know about the major environmental and human disaster in
Brumadinho, Brazil. A dam containing a mud of leftovers of mining
operations of Vale corporation burst on January 25th. The alarm to alert
the communities did not sound, and hundreds of people were caught in a
rapid tsunami of mud which behaves like a kind of cold lava, A hotel was
wiped out, as well as the entire operations center of the company in the
area, taking with it hundreds of people.

It was lunch time at the hotel, and nearly all guests were caught and
buried in mud. Among them, five relatives of a staff member of CGI.br:
Vagner Diniz is the head of the Brazilian chapter of W3C, which is
hosted by CGI.br, and a long-time participant in the development of
Internet governance in Brazil.

This message is to ask you, if possible, to send messages of condolences
and solidarity to Vagner Diniz. There is an email which can be used for
that: assessoria at cgi.br.

As you know, CGI.br is the multistakeholder Brazilian Internet Steering
Committee and a strong supporter of IGF since its inception. It helped
to host and fund two IGFs in Brazil, in 2007 and 2015.

fraternal regards



Carlos A. Afonso
[emails são pessoais exceto quando explicitamente indicado em contrário]
[emails are personal unless explicitly indicated otherwise]

Instituto Nupef - https://nupef.org.br
ISOC-BR - https://isoc.org.br

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