[NCUC-DISCUSS] Attendance and Recording of the NCUC Africa Members call on Monday 12 Feb 2018 at 1200 UTC.

Maryam Bakoshi maryam.bakoshi at icann.org
Mon Feb 12 16:04:30 CET 2018

Dear All,

Please find attendance and recording of the NCUC Africa Members call on Monday 12 Feb 2018 at 1200 UTC.

Attendance: Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria), Caleb Ogundele, Carina Birarda, GZ Kabir, Ines Hfaiedh, Khouloud Dawahi, Liz Orembo, Mauricia Abdol, Muhammed Njie, Pascal Bekono, Rafik Dammak, Thato Mfikwe, Tomslin Samme-Nlar | Staff: Maryam Bakoshi

MP3: https://icann.box.com/shared/static/4ypbm3ur7bsxihvx02t0k8s4cf979cij.mp3[emails.samanage.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__emails.samanage.com_wf_click-3Fupn-3DzZ8xDDIU4PY795Cika7Nmy-2D2FNugFnAwo9az5qWXNwufQZw02xds-2D2FZfgzUEg5zR07E-2D2BgWTfQ0Nr6a0Qu6kcFPC71CyuqpU122nAIR4LABlsio-2D3D-5FFiroU9WATfGGQpGIbRb8NkCMVsuIUf2Oa7q-2D2B6QPGPd0P9ACvn3Y7Ub4pcSRvAWpR4eEu9NGmxpUPeW0JVeMqcxBkC1ajwg6Efba9JnrHuvaGkytYht-2D2BcRzRzRdO6GDE510ktfNBk9SsN-2D2BN0dEU5DFF3QEQ5iwAN6-2D2B-2D2BxBtC6uhITOohlogAogeBf50rZYVN91efCNDdqf2xJtlfeMsjjuKw0n-2D2BqJ-2D2BO6jiL3N9Jsg-2D2FE-2D2Bfil4WVXRgI5Gakc8S9lznfTr4BZ0Y-2D2BcCtdAVtEWSTwPha-2D2BgQ1YfG12VgnYLlPEkPGJ-2D2FhCMaU2wtvLm-2D2B67Wmr1-2D2FPiuTdD2HzHX7qenk1wTCnNGIAnlld0aNDPvg-2D2FVqfv5rW6FI0pygSu0vYCv7sVXtvtWaRVGSZ7F69tuz-2D2F0T7I7Mb3OuEYRIKkWShS0ZB5b7xliASgQZoWGPUjrNxBhUtX-2D2BG9mLaZ5AcFXQbTwardX5AIOceVqcM5-2D2BcCEsnN9gH2GRAXhwGNaEkhW3oSBHPnUO&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=e0Oj4IasZLz9ZpH44QzxYtmYUMoBOLg-U0R1TBk5BuE&s=ui_G2_WQv4jE52xDyB1Z6wvxFKXMZzNdLqxcMRVuO-M&e=>

Action Items:

  *   Drafting an action plan/strategy for building bridges with AFRINIC AFRISIG MEAC SIG

  *   Developing the idea of the NCUC Radio with ISOC Guateng

  *   Elaboration NCUC Africa proposal for the the Africa Internet

AC Chat:
The chat history has been cleared
--------------- (02/12/2018 11:42) ---------------
Maryam Bakoshi: Dear all, welcome to the NCUC Africa members call on Monday 12 Feb 2018 at 1200 utc
 --------------- (02/12/2018 11:45) ---------------
Maryam Bakoshi: Welcome Rafik
--------------- (02/12/2018 11:55) ---------------
Maryam Bakoshi: Welcome, all
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:00) ---------------
Tomslin Samme-Nlar: thanks Maryam

Ines Hfaiedh: Hi everyone :) welcome !
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:03) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: let s start
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:12) ---------------
Caleb Ogundele: Lost Audio

Caleb Ogundele: Ok its back
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:14) ---------------
khouloud Dawahi: the radio is a great initiative .
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:15) ---------------
Mauricia Abdol: Wonderful. I am based in Cape Town South Africa. I will get in touch with Thato

Caleb Ogundele: Will NCUC be making any presentation at the African Internet Summit
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:17) ---------------
Thato Mfikwe: Hi everyone, aplogies for joining late, had connectivity issues.

Rafik Dammak: ok understood

Rafik Dammak: yes clear and loud

Ines Hfaiedh: Hi Thato :) welcome
 --------------- (02/12/2018 12:24) ---------------
pascal bekono: hi, dear all

pascal bekono: sorry, late!

Ines Hfaiedh: It is the work of those who volunteer to be penholder which help NCSG to respond to so many public comments in due time and ensure that we participate in critical of policy making process.The lists are :* https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Public+Comments+-+2017 *  https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Public+Comments+-+2018
 --------------- (02/12/2018 12:26) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: WS5+RPM
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:27) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: Registration Whois service

khouloud Dawahi: thank you ines for sharing
 --------------- (02/12/2018 12:29) ---------------
Mauricia Abdol: Thank you Ines

Ines Hfaiedh: you are welcome
 --------------- (02/12/2018 12:31) ---------------
khouloud Dawahi: i have one
 --------------- (02/12/2018 12:32) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: please raise your hand for questions

Ines Hfaiedh: or type if unable

Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria): How do the NCSG gather some of the NCSG collect some of the input NCSG volunteers participating in the existing working groups are eg Next Gen RDS PDP WG?

Ines Hfaiedh: ok khouloud i see your hand now,will give u the floor soon

Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria): *How does the NCSG collect some of the input NCSG volunteers participating in the existing working groups are eg Next Gen RDS PDP WG?

Ines Hfaiedh: ok thanks Benjamin will transmit your question
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:36) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: read the documenattion/use a template/ask an experienced NCSG member

Liz Orembo 2: Rafik, I liked the comments wiki page NCUC, gives a lot of info to penholders, can we do the same with session proposals?

pascal bekono: "Building bridges and encouraging active participation in Afrinic......"Do we have an action plan to achieve this or do we have to draft something?

Mauricia Abdol: In my opinion Liz's suggestion would be a very helpful addition

khouloud Dawahi: can you hear me

khouloud Dawahi: ?

khouloud Dawahi: i will just type it

Thato Mfikwe: Hello can you hear me.

Maryam Bakoshi: no Thato we cant

Maryam Bakoshi: we can dial out to you if you prefer

khouloud Dawahi: 1 )Aside from participation toWG sice each deals with a specific aspect ,how to have a sustainable participation ?Is it more about engaging in the policy discussions

khouloud Dawahi: ?

Thato Mfikwe: I think I can hear now

khouloud Dawahi:  2- how to enhance the participation of africains in leadership positions ?

Ines Hfaiedh: no khouloud sorry
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:42) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: yes khouloud we can see your question
 --------------- (02/12/2018 12:44) ---------------
Maryam Bakoshi: Thato I mute your mic

Thato Mfikwe: Ok

Rafik Dammak: the sound is cut?
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:45) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: we hear Thato well

Rafik Dammak: @Khouloud bulk of policy work happens  in working group, but as stakeholder group we try o getting briefing, updates and share that through mailing list and monthly policy call to keep everyone up to date

Ines Hfaiedh: 1. Appointing a Chait to the Fiannace Committee

Ines Hfaiedh: 1. Appointing a Chair to the Fianance Committee

Ines Hfaiedh: 2. Working with NCUC Africa members on what they would like to see approved

Liz Orembo 2: Thato's voice is breaking...

Rafik Dammak: yes, hard to hear

Ines Hfaiedh: @liz indeed :/

Rafik Dammak: @Thato constituencies finance is not within NCSG Fc remit

Ines Hfaiedh: 3. Engage with other members from NCSG

Thato Mfikwe: Yes

Liz Orembo 2: @Thato, congrats on your appointment :)
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:51) ---------------
Thato Mfikwe: Understanding of budget is crucial in ensuring that Contituencies have sufficuent resources to carry out their tasks.

Liz Orembo 2: Question: Maybe you covered it, how acn assitst/contribute as members?

Liz Orembo 2: how can we contribute?

Maryam Bakoshi: Thato would you prefer a dial out?

Thato Mfikwe: We will share more information as time goes by Liz
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:53) ---------------
Thato Mfikwe: Thanks Ines and all.
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:55) ---------------
khouloud Dawahi: thanks ines

Rafik Dammak: @khoukoud tried to respond yo your question :)

pascal bekono: thanks Ines, we can draft an action plan I think, so we can measure the progress
--------------- (02/12/2018 12:58) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: action item: Drfting an action plan/strategy for building bridges with AFRINIC AFRISIG MEAC SIG

Thato Mfikwe: No problem

Ines Hfaiedh: Action item: Developing the idea of the NCUC Radio with ISOC Guateng

Rafik Dammak: I shoudl leave now, thanks all. fi you have any question or inquiry, you can reach me by email rafik.dammak at gmail.com or via skype . happy to explain more about policy ,gnso, and NCSG PC
--------------- (02/12/2018 13:00) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: Action: Elaboration NCUC Africa proposal for the the Africa Internet Summit

pascal bekono: @Ines, +1
--------------- (02/12/2018 13:01) ---------------
Carina Birarda: bye

Thato Mfikwe: Thanks everyone

Carina Birarda: thanks

Ines Hfaiedh: thanks everyone

pascal bekono: thanks

Many thanks,

Maryam Bakoshi | SO/AC Collaboration Services Sr. Coordinator
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
S: Maryam.bakoshi.icann | T: +44 7737698036

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