[NCUC-DISCUSS] Tasks tracker

Farell Folly farellfolly at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 14:10:38 CEST 2017

Dear All,

I hope this e-mail finds you well. I am sure you have also noticed that the
numbers of tasks (public comments, atcivities, proposals) are increasing
and this will continue to be the case as the organization grows in size and
complexity. I suggest that we hold a tracking list of pending (with a link
on the website or easily accessible), so that we can use to check

   - the pending tasks
   - the planned activities
   - the conflicts
   - the person of contact for each task
   - the penholder or responsible
   - the time schedule, etc.

This might be very useful and help us to be more efficient, give the
membership more time to discuss an issue and prevent us from rushing behind

If there is already one, can someone please provide the link? Thanks again.
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