[NCUC-DISCUSS] Nomination to the NomCom

Hago Dafalla dafalla at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 31 12:58:13 CEST 2017

Dear All,
I would like to nominate Hfaiedh Ines as the NCUC reprsentative to the Nomcom committee. She is a perfect fit for this position as this committee needs more gender balance and having at least one representative from Africa would also be a good benefit for the NCUC and the users from the continent.
As the NCUC representative of Africa, she has always been engaged to the NCUC and willing to help during all the events at which I got a chance to see her. 
I am sure all of us know her devotion to our cause and her capaicty to hold this position, however you can also take a look at her biography to know more : https://icannwiki.org/Ines_Hfa iedh 

Hago Dafalla

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