Mueller, Milton L milton at gatech.edu
Tue Feb 7 15:34:18 CET 2017

I think Matt makes a good point.

Also, and while I largely agree with this, what is the point of bringing this up?  Are we asking for some review of the Accountability mechanisms?  Are we asking him  to keep an eye on their possible collusion?   If I were Goran I would say - and so what do you think should be done about this?

I think being aware of it is the main thing that needs to be done. But I agree that in a short conversation this might come across as nothing more than badmouthing the other groups, which we don’t want to do. Probably best to focus on PICs as an issue rather than the fact that ALAC and GAC are pushing for them in ways that threaten to transgress mission limitations. It is continually disconcerting that ALAC, which purports to be representative of individual users’ rights, shows no concern at all about the free expression limitations, mission creep problem, associated with PICs.

On the other hand I disagree with Bill’s implication that we were and are not unified on this. Our NCUC representatives to the CCWG Accountability were with only one exception strongly critical of the distribution of voting power in the reform plan. The one person who dissented filed what she herself called “a minority dissent”

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