"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de
Tue Feb 7 11:07:10 CET 2017

You could emphasize our belief that in the new accountability arrangements, ACs such as ALAC were given too much power relative to the much larger and more diverse set of stakeholders in the GNSO, and how a ALAC/GAC alliance in certain bylaw disputes might thwart attempts to keep ICANN constrained within its mission.

Unless my memory is foggy this morning we were not in uniform agreement on these points, so if there's time to get into them it maybe qualified them as "some members are concerned that..".

I would avoid to frame this as a problem of "redistribution of power" and would prefer to investigate opportunities and channels for "enhanced cooperation" among stakeholders and constituencies based on an understanding that without a strong non-commercial constituency/civil society ICANN will fail to implement its mission.  

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