[NCUC-DISCUSS] [Elections] Nomination of Raoul Plommer

João Carlos Rebello Caribé caribe at entropia.blog.br
Tue Nov 8 16:31:45 CET 2016

Dear Carlos Vera,

Until now, just me and Renata was nominated for LAC EC, booth from Brazil, also the nomination period still open and new names for LAC must be nominated.

Joao Carlos Caribe

Em 08/11/2016, às 11:20, Carlos Vera escreveu:

> ‎Me gustaría conocer si habrán nominaciones de Latinoamerica?
> Saludos
> Carlos Vera
> Ecuador
> Enviado desde mi smartphone BlackBerry 10.
> Enviado: martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016 07:58
> Para: Olévié Kouami
> CC: ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org
> Asunto: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] [Elections] Nomination of Raoul Plommer
> Dear all. 
>            Now that NCUC Nomination are going on I would like to air my viewsI I have been thinking elections and have concluded that Rafik is going to step aside and Madam Grace is term limited we shall require an equal capabilities in order to continue with what they already initiated. 
> Putting into consideration that Farzane Badii is already in the EC we need to have a very strong team join the EC in order for us to achieve our goals. For that matter as I continue seconding Raoul's nomination I also hereby nominate David Cake to replace Rafik for chairmanship. 
> James Njoroge 
> Cell-Phone +254 722 212171 or +254 721 274273
> Before printing this mail make sure it is completely necessary. THE ENVIRONMENT IS EVERY ONE'S BUSINESS.
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Olévié Kouami <olivierkouami at gmail.com> wrote:
> :-) 
> Dear Tapani,
> The wheel spins ...
> + @Raoul. We need to share experiences.
> Warm regards,
> Olévié
> 2016-11-08 6:15 GMT+00:00 Tapani Tarvainen <tapani.tarvainen at effi.org>:
> Seconded.
> While I don't usually +1 nominations simply to indicate my support
> (and lack of it should not be taken as lack of my support), I will
> endorse Raoul because he's new here but I've known him for a long time,
> worked with him in the board of Electronic Frontier Finland and
> elsewhere, and I believe he would become an excellent EC member.
> And besides Finns need to take over the world. :-)
> --
> Tapani Tarvainen
> On Nov 08 10:15, David Cake (dave at davecake.net) wrote:
> >       I would like to nominate Raoul Plommer for the European position on the NCUC Executive Committee.
> >       Raoul has shown himself to be very enthusiastic and keen to be more involved in NCUC, and is involved in several organisations in Finland that are valuable NCUC organisational members, such as Electronic Frontiers Finland, Open Knowledge and the Pirate Party. He has also shown willingness and ability to work on EC tasks such as the bylaws.
> >
> >       David
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> Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
> Co-Gérantt de O and K IT SOLUTIONS sarl Editeur de logiciels de gestion (PGI/ERP) S.I.G.E. (http://www.oandkit.com)
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João Carlos R. Caribé
Transdisciplinary Consultant - Wazushi
NETmundial Initiative Counselor
ICANN NCUC Executive Committee member


Skype joaocaribe
+55(021) 9 8761 1967

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