[NCUC-DISCUSS] NomCom Review ++

Mueller, Milton L milton at gatech.edu
Sat Nov 26 18:00:40 CET 2016

> -----Original Message-----
> this is a good discussion but goes far beyond the NomCom review. It affects
> ICANNs structure as a whole. The existing structures were formed in the 00s
> years a. after it became clear that "global elections", to send five/nine voting
> members to the ICANN Board, representing the Internet users "At Large",
> won´t work 

Wolfgang, as you probably know, I disagree. The elections worked fine, it's just that ICANN management didn't like the results. 

> With nearly four billion Internet users there is no way back to "elections". 

Again, a false premise. There are more than 1 billion Indians - that country has elections. As a matter of practical fact, not all Internet users are interested to vote on ICANN board, or even know what ICANN is. If direct voting does not adequately represent the Internet people, how can you say that at large structures or RALOs or ALAC does? Direct voting looks a lot better than the tiny networks of self-selected and highly ICANN-subsidized groups that currently make up the so-called "individual internet users." 

> with 1000+ new gTLDs the balance in a GNSO, designed when we had not
> more than 20+ gTLDs, gets rocked.

I don't agree with this, either. There are still contracted parties and non-contracted parties, the number of TLD registries does not change this at all. Vertical integration between Registrars and Registries raises more issues than the sheer number of contracted parties, but the contracts they sign with ICANN are still structurally distinct depending on whether they are registries or registrars.

> Against this background, the discussion on a NomCom review could be a good
> door opener for the "Grand Re-Design".

I don't think the tail should wag the dog.


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