[NCUC-DISCUSS] NomCom Review

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Thu Nov 24 11:14:44 CET 2016

Hi Nadia & Raoul,

> On Nov 24, 2016, at 10:56, Nadira Alaraj <nadira.araj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bill.
> Thank you for bringing to our attention the NCUC members in the Nomcom review wp. 
> I'm still doing the background readings to have a better understanding and I appreciate that you've mentioned what have been discussed on NCUC and will dig into the archive of 2014 to broaden my perspective.

> On Nov 24, 2016, at 10:53, Raoul Plommer <plommer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for this Bill,
> It clarifies the process of future action and gives me plenty of material to go through. I will of course work closely with our members of the working group and I now wish I knew of the NomCom-issue beforehand.
Great. Especially important is to look at what the Board wanted to do last time, which I mentioned in August:

> On Aug 2, 2016, at 16:38, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:
> Further to the last point — Ed rightly mentioned the intra-GNSO imbalance.  A number of us have indeed raised the lack of NPOC representation in various contexts and gotten pushback from the board.  Meanwhile the three CSG constituencies get four reps (two for the BC!) and contracted also gets two reps.  How this will evolve if/when we new DNS industry constituencies due to the new gTLD program is hard to say, but the above mentioned 2014 Board Working Group on the NomCom most certainly got it wrong in suggesting that NomCom should be restructured as follows to avoid “GNSO over-representation”:
> ‐ Five members appointed from the At‐Large Advisory Committee, with one from each Regional At‐Large Organization
> ‐ Five members appointed from the ccNSO, with one from each geographic region
> ‐ Five members appointed from the ASO, with one from each geographic region
> ‐ Four members appointed from the GNSO, with one from each Stakeholder Group
> ‐ Up to three members appointed from the GAC
> ‐ One member each from the IAB (IETF), SSAC and RSSAC
> Luckily this generated an outcry and was not acted upon, but it indicates that composition is a can of worms to be reopened carefully…

I think the notion of one rep per GNSO stakeholder group might be salable to the wider community, although of course CSG would fight it tooth and nail as they have four reps to one each for the registries, registrars, and NCUC.  But the rest of the Board’s suggestions were pretty ill-considered.  And one per SG would not offset the fact that ALAC has five.

Other routes could be to focus at the constituency rather than SG level, and try to get one for NPOC, or even for academics (there’s a history there).  That’d still leave us with less than CSG though.

It might be hard to convince people that NCUC should have two when the registries and registrars each have one, and the new gTLD program expands those groups.  But the double representation of the BC might be a something people are open to discussing.

In any event, we’d need to think through bargaining positions—opening bids, what we’d settle for after negotiation, etc., taking into account the preferences of the rest of the community represented on NomCom.


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