[NCUC-DISCUSS] what is the non-contracted party house intersessional(NCPH) intersessional

Remmy Nweke remmyn at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 18:29:39 CET 2016

Thanks Farzaneh for sharing thoughts on what is NCPH
Remmy Nweke

-----Original Message-----
From: "farzaneh badii" <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>
Sent: ‎30/‎01/‎2016 18:07
To: "NCUC-discuss" <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>
Subject: [NCUC-DISCUSS] what is the non-contracted party house intersessional(NCPH) intersessional

Dear NCUC members,

You have been receiving remote participation invitations from Maryam to attend the NCPH intersessionals remotely next week. 

What is intersessional?  Intersessional is for those stakeholders that do not have a contract with ICANN and are a part of GNSO ( Generic Names Supporting Organization) to get together to discuss commonalities (if any), pressing issues and future plans. 

You can find the intersessional agenda here: https://community.icann.org/display/ncph/Intersessional+-+February+2016

We will also have break outs for NCUC on Wednesday and Thursday which you are welcome to participate at remotely. We will send the agenda later. 



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