[NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for Candidates of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program

Zalnieriute, Monika Monika.Zalnieriute at EUI.eu
Mon Jan 25 14:33:12 CET 2016

I am so happy for Kathy - she indeed would be amazing Mentor!

Do we have a Mentee? As I would propose Sana Ali - who has been as NextGenner in Dublin, and has demonstrated keen interest and great potential within NCUC since then,

Best wishes,



Dr. Monika Zalnieriute

C I H R : Centre for Internet & Human Rights I
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From: Ncuc-discuss <ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> on behalf of Kathy Kleiman <kathy at kathykleiman.com>
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 1:25 PM
To: ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for Candidates of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program

With great thanks to Stephanie, Amr, James and all who have written. Mentoring is great because it means amazing people -- like you -- come and share the burden (and joys) of joining the Working Groups, participating actively in negotiations, writing/editing (and re-writing and re-editing) and protecting the rights and principles we hold dear and want to see continued as part of the Internet rules and governance for decades to come.


On 1/24/2016 10:05 PM, Stephanie Perrin wrote:
Good for you Kathy, I think you are a terrific mentor!  I have learned so much from you, I heartily endorse you volunteering!
Stephanie Perrin

On 2016-01-24 21:12, Kathy Kleiman wrote:
Hi All,
As you probably know, the Washington DC area has been under two feet of snow this weekend so I have been digging out!
Tx to Peter for posting. I would be delighted to be a mentor in the Mentor Pilot Program. This sounds like an important program, and after so much time in ICANN, we (I) have much to share.

On 1/23/2016 9:14 AM, Peter Green wrote:

Dear NCUCers,

ICANN is doing a Mentor Pilot Program, which will be starting in Marrakesh.

Now NCUC has to call for TWO candidates within the Constituency, one Mentor and one Mentee, i.e. 1 vs 1.

ICANN would provide travel support for selected candidates of the Program for the Marrakesh meeting.

Please find the attached introduction document of the Mentor Pilot Program.

The Program aims to seek those who have strong wish to learn and get involved with ICANN as soon as possible and those who have strong wish to coach, educate.


1. Time (for both the Mentor and Mentee)

Under the instructions of the ICANN staff, each week both the Mentor and Mentee should allocate one or two hours meeting online in their agreed-upon timeframe.
So candidates must ensure they have time.

2. Good Knowledge about ICANN (for the Mentor only)

According to the Mentor Pilot Program, we need one Mentor, who is an ICANN  veteran.  We need one who has strong wish to educate and mentor new guys and could come up with an idea of coaching, for instance, a specific area or subject.

3. Without Knowledge about ICANN  (for the Mentee only)

Newbies, unfamiliar with ICANN, are welcome. We need him/her to be engaged with enthusiam and sustained interest about ICANN.

4. Diversity (for the Mentor)

In terms of diversity, Mentee candidates from Africa, MEMA region or the Latin region are preferred. In case, there are more candidates, ladies are preferred.

5. A Brief Report (for the Mentor only)

We need the Mentor to draft a brief coaching report which could tell us what the Mentor has done for coaching the Mentee. It could be brief.

6. The final decision regarding selection of the Mentor and Mentee candidates rests upon the EC.

When the EC makes the final selection, it would deliver its rationale.

ICANN may provide travel support for Mentors and Mentees  for future meetings.

As time is a little bit urgent, please respond by 20:00 UTC, Monday, 24th, Jan, 2016.

The Executive Committee will be announcing the selection results by 12:00 UTC,  Monday, 25th, Jan, 2016 and then deliver the results to ICANN staff.

Best Regards


NCUC-EC Asia/the Pacific Representative

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