[NCUC-DISCUSS] WBC Global policy support pilot - is NCUC participating in it?

matthew shears mshears at cdt.org
Wed Dec 28 10:15:59 CET 2016

+ 1 Avri

On 27/12/2016 18:14, avri doria wrote:
> Hi,
> First I should say that in the past I have been among the most adamant
> on not using ICANN provided services, but this was in a time long  long
> ago, in an ICANN that did not define its purpose as service to the
> community.  ICANN is a different organization now.  As community we have
> an EC and the need to operate within that context.  We have a very
> spotty record as a constituency at getting our point of view together
> (written consensus statements)  and communicating it.  Frankly, as a WG
> chair, it is embarrassing that we rarely get any comments from NCUC.
> NCUC needs help.  IF we had money, e.g. dues, we could pay for help.  We
> don't have dues, we don't have money, yet still we need help.
> So I am rethinking old stubbornness.
> On 26-Dec-16 10:51, Mueller, Milton L wrote:
>> I also think it shows a lack of experience in policy processes to
>> think that we can _/outsource/_ the ability to “assess the impact of
>> proposals.”
> I started banging the drum of impact assessments over a decade ago.  We
> still don't do them, we still don't have a means of getting them done.
> I would love to see someone hired by ICANN on our behalf working on a
> few of these to see how they came out.  We would be the ones judging and
> we have some brutal reviewers in our midst.  Something useful might
> emerge.  Certainly more than we have now, perhaps something that could
> perhaps be built upon.
> I suggest that next time we have an opportunity to participate in a
> funding opportunity, NCUC participate and figure out how to use it to
> NCUC's advantage. And of course we need to manage it, but that is why we
> have an Exec Committee.
> avri
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Matthew Shears
Global Internet Policy and Human Rights
Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
+ 44 771 2472987

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