[NCUC-DISCUSS] WBC Global policy support pilot - is NCUC participating in it?

avri doria avri at acm.org
Tue Dec 27 19:14:34 CET 2016


First I should say that in the past I have been among the most adamant
on not using ICANN provided services, but this was in a time long  long
ago, in an ICANN that did not define its purpose as service to the
community.  ICANN is a different organization now.  As community we have
an EC and the need to operate within that context.  We have a very
spotty record as a constituency at getting our point of view together
(written consensus statements)  and communicating it.  Frankly, as a WG
chair, it is embarrassing that we rarely get any comments from NCUC. 
NCUC needs help.  IF we had money, e.g. dues, we could pay for help.  We
don't have dues, we don't have money, yet still we need help.

So I am rethinking old stubbornness.

On 26-Dec-16 10:51, Mueller, Milton L wrote:
> I also think it shows a lack of experience in policy processes to
> think that we can _/outsource/_ the ability to “assess the impact of
> proposals.”

I started banging the drum of impact assessments over a decade ago.  We
still don't do them, we still don't have a means of getting them done. 
I would love to see someone hired by ICANN on our behalf working on a
few of these to see how they came out.  We would be the ones judging and
we have some brutal reviewers in our midst.  Something useful might
emerge.  Certainly more than we have now, perhaps something that could
perhaps be built upon.

I suggest that next time we have an opportunity to participate in a
funding opportunity, NCUC participate and figure out how to use it to
NCUC's advantage. And of course we need to manage it, but that is why we
have an Exec Committee.


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