[NCUC-DISCUSS] WBC Global policy support pilot - is NCUC participating in it?

Ayden Férdeline icann at ferdeline.com
Mon Dec 26 07:21:06 CET 2016

I have not seen anyone on this list suggest that we want to outsource the “drafting [of] our own policy statements and developing our own positions”. If that was the only offer on the table, I don't think many would support it.

My understanding was that there were five proposed support areas, only one of which involved drafting documents, and the others involved assisting us in note taking or summarising working group calls, completing desk-based research where we request it, and helping us assess the impacts of proposals. We do need support in all of these areas. In the RDS PDP WG, there are literally tens of thousands of pages of reading material. If we could have someone code these documents and summarise them, it would be incredibly helpful for all of our members participating in that working group.

Importantly, and I am quoting now from the proposed framework, “the programme will be designed to offer the flexibility for communities to identify the specific areas in which they are most comfortable utilising the new resource to assist and expand the capability of their community to participate in the ICANN drafting process.”

That, to me, sounds very appropriate. It is up to us to define the level of support we will accept, and I am sure that is what every other constituency and stakeholder group has done. We have not seen them turn down this generous offer of additional resources, and I am certain they were just as cautious as we have been to ensure that the support they accept is assistance they are comfortable with.

Best wishes,

Ayden Férdeline

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] WBC Global policy support pilot - is NCUC participating in it?
Local Time: 26 December 2016 5:07 AM
UTC Time: 26 December 2016 05:07
From: milton at gatech.edu
To: matthew shears <mshears at cdt.org>, ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>

Yes, we did reject it. And we should continue to reject it. The day we are incapable of drafting our own policy statements and developing our own positions is the day we should declare ourselves intellectually bankrupt and dissolve the constituency, or turn it over to someone who can actually represent the constituency rather than have ICANN staff do it.

[ ]

Dr. Milton L. Mueller

Professor, School of Public Policy

Georgia Institute of Technology

Didn't we reject this option when it was presented to us? Unfortunately

On 22/12/2016 11:19, James Gannon wrote:

Oh great point, I had forgotten. Whats the status on this?

From:  Ncuc-discuss <ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <icann at ferdeline.com>
Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <icann at ferdeline.com>
Date: Thursday 22 December 2016 at 11:01
To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>
Subject: [NCUC-DISCUSS] WBC Global policy support pilot - is NCUC participating in it?


Whatever happened to that ICANN pilot programme which was to offer selected constituencies and stakeholder groups assistance with policy research and document drafting? I remember being told in Helsinki its launch was imminent, and had an excellent discussion with a consultant from WBC Global about it. Are there any updates?


Ayden Férdeline


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Matthew Shears
Global Internet Policy and Human Rights
Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
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