[NCUC-DISCUSS] important information - deep concerns about this action

Remmy Nweke remmyn at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 09:12:21 CEST 2016

Thanks for your comment but my request for due process as earlier outlined
was based on the letter shared by our EC which has no mention of summon
sent to PETER Green and his likely defence or refusal to respond, except if
you are categorical about him having  been contacted by EC.
Yet it's essential EC makes this clearer formally so we can solidly be
behind them and move on. No sentiment.
Based on the circumstance herein should calling on Peter to resign enough
or a call for vote of no confidence, because even in the EC call for him to
resign there was no time line for that after which another step could be
taken and what is the next step if I may ask to ensure sanity?

Remmy Nweke

On Aug 10, 2016 12:34 AM, "Sonigitu Ekpe" <soekpe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Keeping sentiment out of this will be good for all of us. Once the rule
> makes Peter ineligible, so be it.
> @Remmy - Peter Green was communicated privately and has not responded. Why
> has he refused to respond?
> It is very important to abide to some ethical behaviour for respect and
> honour. We are requesting for ICANN transparency yet individuals don't want
> to be transparent.
> My fifty cents.
> On 9 Aug 2016 8:39 p.m., "Mueller, Milton L" <milton at gatech.edu> wrote:
>> All:
>> I see I overlooked responding to one question Kathy raised at the end of
>> her long message:
>> - Are you invoking NCUC or NCSG rules?
>> We are concerned entirely with his eligibility for _*NCUC*_ membership
>> and thus his eligibility to be on the NCUC Executive Committee. Our
>> original message contributed to confusion on this by typing NCSG instead of
>> NCUC. A mistake. He is, in fact, ineligible under both rules, but the NCUC
>> EC did not ask him to resign from NCSG and has no authority to do so. It
>> was acting in regards to NCUC eligibility.
>> Dr. Milton L. Mueller
>> Professor, School of Public Policy
>> Georgia Institute of Technology
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