[NCUC-DISCUSS] important information - deep concerns about this action

Mueller, Milton L milton at gatech.edu
Tue Aug 9 21:38:53 CEST 2016

I see I overlooked responding to one question Kathy raised at the end of her long message:
- Are you invoking NCUC or NCSG rules?
We are concerned entirely with his eligibility for _NCUC_ membership and thus his eligibility to be on the NCUC Executive Committee. Our original message contributed to confusion on this by typing NCSG instead of NCUC. A mistake. He is, in fact, ineligible under both rules, but the NCUC EC did not ask him to resign from NCSG and has no authority to do so. It was acting in regards to NCUC eligibility.

Dr. Milton L. Mueller
Professor, School of Public Policy
Georgia Institute of Technology

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